
Waste as a Resource: an Excerpt from European Environment Agency

In line with the earlier promise I made in my last post on e-waste to share knowledge of Waste-Wealth initiatives. Here is an important note for EEA.

What if we could use waste as a resource and thereby scale down the demand for extraction of new resources? Extracting fewer materials and using existing resources would help avert some of the impacts created along the chain. In this context, unused waste also represents a potential loss.

Conference to Spotlight New e-Waste Management Solutions for Kenya. Culled from UNEP

Kenya and UNEP host National e-Waste Conference and

Nairobi, 28 May 2014 - A National e-Waste Conference and Exhibition was held in Nairobi, Wednesday, to identify solutions to Kenya's mounting e-waste problem. Focusing on the potential economic and environmental benefits of the responsible management of e-waste, stakeholders discussed ways to reduce the hazards arising from the disposal of electronic equipment in Kenya.

Conference to Spotlight New e-Waste Management Solutions for Kenya. Culled from UNEP

Kenya and UNEP host National e-Waste Conference and

Nairobi, 28 May 2014 - A National e-Waste Conference and Exhibition was held in Nairobi, Wednesday, to identify solutions to Kenya's mounting e-waste problem. Focusing on the potential economic and environmental benefits of the responsible management of e-waste, stakeholders discussed ways to reduce the hazards arising from the disposal of electronic equipment in Kenya.

Call for Global Unity Diversity


There is need to embrace a more radical approach to achieving global peace and unity at present and for the future. It is essential to make sure that most (if not all) people irrespective of their cultures are educated on the importance of accepting the differences that exist amongst people in the whole world. Education can be a vital resource tool during this unity campaign. Unity should take a larger scope and be able to accommodate every individual in the sense that no one would feel alienated from a particular group of people.

9th Global RCE Conference, Japan

As we gear up towards the 9th Global RCE Conference, Japan. I wish to call on all of us to raise our voice in calling for active participation of youths in our immediate environment to take up the challenge of the Post-2014 Decade of Sustainable Development.

It is time to checkmate our activities and identify areas that need to be improved, in view of global demands of our environment and the social well being of the teeming populace in our community.

Unity in Diverse

Lets diversify unity among ourselves. Racism is NO good. The world is changing at a fast rate so we should team up to address the challenges that come along our path .

My color is just the planned creation by God, so is yours' too. The world is diverse and the fact is that we can't all be at one place so I do pray that we be one despite of where we come from!!

Let's all Unite for Global prosperity.

Thank you,
Hamisi Mkuzi
For RCE-Greater Pwani {Kenya}

Unity in Diverse

Lets diversify unity among ourselves. Racism is NO good. The world is changing at a fast rate so we should team up to address the challenges that come along our path .

My color is just the planned creation by God, so is yours' too. The world is diverse and the fact is that we can't all be at one place so I do pray that we be one despite of where we come from!!

Let's all Unite for Global prosperity.

Thank you,
Hamisi Mkuzi
For RCE-Greater Pwani {Kenya}

Unity in Diverse

Lets diversify unity among ourselves. Racism is NO good. The world is changing at a fast rate so we should team up to address the challenges that come along our path .

My color is just the planned creation by God, so is yours' too. The world is diverse and the fact is that we can't all be at one place so I do pray that we be one despite of where we come from!!

Let's all Unite for Global prosperity.

Thank you,
Hamisi Mkuzi
For RCE-Greater Pwani {Kenya}
