Global Action Programme (GAP)
To build on achievements and create new momentum when the UN Decade closed in 2014, UNESCO, as the lead agency of the Decade, developed a Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development. As a follow-up to the Decade, GAP was also designed as a concrete, tangible contribution to the post-2015 development and education agendas. The Global Action Programme comes with a detailed implementation Roadmap which has five Priority Action Areas:
1) Advancing policy: Mainstream ESD
2) Transforming learning and training environments: Whole-Institution Approach
3) Building capacities of educators and trainers
4) Empowering and mobilizing youth
5) Accelerating sustainable solutions at local level
The final assessment report on the UN Decade of ESD was launched at the 2014 World Conference on ESD. This report assesses the growth of ESD throughout the Decade and gives an updated picture of ESD at the end of the Decade. The report also features lessons learnt and draws conclusions for future actions on ESD. At the conclusion of the World Conference on ESD in 2014, the ‘Aichi-Nagoya Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development was adopted, calling for urgent action to further strengthen and scale up ESD and inviting governments of UNESCO Member States to make further efforts towards achieving the goals of ESD. The definitive UNESCO GAP document that was launched during the World ESD Conference can be downloaded at UNESCO’s website.
UNESCO Decade on ESD Final Report: Shaping the Future We Want
Shaping the Education of Tomorrow, Report 2012
Video: Shaping the Future We Want
Video: ESD: Children Speak Up!