


To achieve Sustainable Development, a fundamental change is necessary in the way people think and act. I would like to thank and congratulate the United Nations University (UNU) for their great efforts in ensuring advancement of ESD through Regional Centres of Expertise (RCEs) around the world.

In a world where networking is trending, I must say, establishing around 129 RCEs is by far a great achievement UNU has made. Bravo!!!

Effects of Climate Change: The Case with Africa

Dear All,

Climate change threatens to disrupt the weakest economies and disadvantage the poorest people in developing countries, African continent is the least emitter of green house gas but yet, the continent is the worst affected by climate change.

In today’s modern world, Africa is reeling from climate change. Floods, famine, drought, food shortages are buffeting the vulnerable continent which lacks the resources to protect itself. This affects largely its effort to manage sea flow, lakes and open aquifers.

Engage Youth for Global Prosperity

Dear All,

According to the United Nations short range fertility forecast for Sub-Saharan Africa indicated that Nigeria would be third largest country in the world after India and China by 20100 with 750m people, another UN report also indicated that by 20100, 41% of global youth will come from Africa. Africa is the only continent that would double in size by 2040 i.e. from 1billion to 2billion. The Continent is the only barging continent on earth, where the land, atmosphere, businesses are all immature and all are based on like a new born baby.


The role of the youth is of critical importance for young people are the most important building blocks of any society. They are an important source of creativity, enthusiasm, and are drivers of social change. A just and an environmentally conscious society can be created only if the youth of every society are empowered with sufficient knowledge, enabling skills, and appropriate attitude and values. It is wise to enable young people to comprehend their relationship with the environment and make concerted efforts to conserve it.

JOIN NOW! the 9th Global RCE Conference Teacher Education Discussion Group

RCEs are involved in promoting integration of principles, values and practices of sustainable development into teacher education programmes. Such integration requires quality teacher education that entails equipping teachers with key competences in life skills. This requires making citizenship education an integral part of ESD. During the 8th Global RCE Conference in Nairobi, participants deliberated questions on ‘who is a teacher’ and ‘how to become a teacher’ to provide useful insights into ways of improving teacher education and schooling.

JOIN NOW! the 9th Global RCE Conference African Discussion Group

More than 60 delegates from 17 acknowledged RCEs and four candidate RCEs attended the African continental discussion at the 8th Global RCE Conference in Nairobi. The discussion forum provided the delegates with an opportunity to share their achievements and challenges with a view to consolidate collaborative efforts in ESD research and capacity development. Highlights for 2013 included an increased visibility of African RCEs and improved interactions with policy makers.
