
UNESCO World Conference on ESD Publishes Roadmap for GAP

As the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UN DESD 2005-2014) comes to a close, the global education sector came together during the World Conference on ESD in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan. The event was co-organized by UNESCO and the Government of Japan, from 10 to 12 November 2014.

ProSPER.Net Book: Transforming Higher Education and Creating Sustainable Societies

The Ministry of the Environment of Japan has championed ESD domestically through implementing laws, policies and projects, and internationally through UN agencies like United Nations University (UNU). Major initiatives supported by Japan on ESD through UNU include the networking of ESD stakeholders through the global initiative Regional Centres of Expertise (RCEs) on ESD, and the Promotion of Sustainability in Postgraduate Education and Research Network (ProSPER.Net), a regional network of leading higher education institutions in Asia and the Pacific. 

Ten Years of Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development

The global movement of Regional Centres of Expertise on ESD (RCEs), having reached a decade of existence and of constantly contributing to change through learning and action, is deserving of a commemorative memento. As the United Nations Decade on Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), upon which the RCE movement was founded and to which it was dedicated, draws to a close, it is also a critical time to look towards the future of the RCE community against the backdrop of the new processes taking shape in sustainable development and education.

Global RCE Youth Network Meeting for Africa and Database Collection

Dear All,

After the successful conferences in Japan, we therefore think we should bring together our youth under one umbrella inorder to take the GAP to another level. It is therefore in this regard I am organising Continental RCE Youth Network meeting on Friday the 28th November via skype. I would like to request for a Youth representative from each of your RCEs to participate in the meeting. The Agenda of the meeting would be sent to participants in the next following days.
