
RCE Structure and Governance Survey: An Analysis of Results and Recommendations

April 24, 2016 Kim Smith, Jamie Stamberger, and Kyoko Shiota RCE Greater Portland

When RCE Greater Portland formed its regional network in 2013, its coordinators wanted to know if there was an ideal governance structure that Regional Centres of Expertise (RCE) on ESD had discovered. With the current acknowledgement of 146 RCEs by the UNU-IAS around the world, there remains a paucity of research on whether a particular form of governance has been identified as most effective.

United States

IPBES Webinar Series – Webinar 1: The IPBES Assessment Process

The IPBES task force and technical support unit on capacity-building are pleased to invite you to watch the recorded webinar in the pilot of the IPBES Webinar Series.

The webinar  "The IPBES Assessment Process" from 7 April 2016 is now online here

In this webinar, the IPBES task force and technical support unit partnered with Ivar Baste, IPBES Bureau member and co-chair of the IPBES task force on capacity-building.


Sustainability Tracking, Action and Reporting in Schools (STARs) - A Project by RCE Goa

by Shabana Kazi, RCE Goa-Coordinator & Associate Fellow, TERI, Goa, India

Photos: courtesy by RCE Goa

STARs is a project run by RCE Goa that works with 10 schools in the region with the core goal of improving resource efficiency. The schools also engage with the surrounding communities initiating various socio-environmental campaigns about important socio- cultural issues.


Campus Youth Camp 2016, 23-30 June, Chiang Mai, Thailand

The Compass Youth Camp (CYC) is a one-week Compass Education youth empowerment programme designed by youth for youth to inspire and empower committed student leaders from around Asia-Pacific region to facilitate and lead measurable actions in their schools and in their communities towards contributing to a sustainable future.


5th International School Grounds Conference

Invited visionary leaders of the school grounds movement from Asia, Australia, Europe and North America will share their experiences, case studies and best practices. Sweden has recently produced national guide lines for planning, design, management and maintenance of urban outdoor environments for children and young people, with a particular focus on the use and design of preschool and school grounds.

Advocacy Toolkit for SDG 16 on "Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies and Accountable Institutions"

This advocacy toolkit for SDG 16 on "Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies and Accountable Institutions" provides civil society and other nongovernmental stakeholders with guidance on how to engage with their governments and other local, regional or international stakeholders.

The Goal 16 Advocacy Toolkit includes guidance, tools and tips on:


RCE Srinagar, CEE Himalaya and JSW Foundation promote natural resource conservation on the International Day of Forests and World Water Day 2016

The Himalayan state of Uttarakhand in the Central Himalayas of the Indian Himalayan Region, is largely dominated by biodiversity rich forest ecosystem thus making it one of the most unique yet fragile ecosystems. The majority of the traditional hill communities are dependent on natural resources for food, fruits, fuel wood, and fodder along with a variety of ecological services. Traditional belief was that the natural resources are essential for the livelihood and ecological security of mountain regions.


Earth Day on 22 April 2016 challenges all cities to become greener

Earth Day on April 22 marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement. Since 1970 it has mobilized millions and sparked several policy changes.Today, Earth Day engages more than a billion people worldwide, with events in every country and for every level of society!

This Earth Day, we are challenging every sister city to do one of the following:
