
International Council of Science (ICSU) Review of Targets for the Sustainable Development Goals: The Science Perspective (2015)

The SDGs offer a "major improvement" over their predecessors, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, this report by the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Social Science Council (ISSC) finds that of the 169 targets beneath the 17 draft goals, just 29% are well defined and based on the latest scientific evidence, while 54% need more work and 17% are weak or non-essential.

Asia-Pacific Strategic Paper ‘Advancing ESD beyond 2014: Strategy for Asia-Pacific RCEs'

Over 100 RCE members from 29 of the 49 Asia-Pacific RCEs met in Okayama during the 9th Global RCE Conference to reflect on recent developments in the community and discuss a more dynamic collaboration and the post-2014 strategic direction. One of the highlights of the meeting was the adoption of the Asia-Pacific Strategic Paper ‘Advancing ESD beyond 2014: Strategy for Asia-Pacific RCEs’ which encapsulates the aspirations of the Asia-Pacific RCE community and served as input to the RCE Global Conference.

The Growth of Trees – A Historical Perspective on Sustainability

How could alpine farmers in the Swiss village of Törbel survive over centuries in adverse conditions? Why did the Hohokam culture suddenly collapse after more than 1000 years? Looking back in history, did truly sustainable societies ever exist? 300 years ago Carl von Carlowitz the so called „father of the term sustainability” died. Why is it worthwhile to remember him today? Was the discovery of America, which gave us the sense and philosophy of a world without limits, perhaps not a blessing after all?


Successful Kominkan-CLC International Conference on ESD, 9-12 October 2014

Over 650 participants, including learners, facilitators and managers of Kominkan(Community Learning Centre of Japan) and other Community Learning Centers (CLCs), community educators, representatives from governments, United Nation agencies and researchers gathered together for the Kominkan-CLC International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), held in Okayama-City, Japan from 9 to 12 October 2014. Participants discussed how to sustain and promote ESD through community-based learning, drawing on their rich experience of working together with local communities.


Japanese RCE Meeting, 16 March, Sendai, Japan

The Japanese RCE Meeting was held in Sendai, Japan on 16 March 2015 hosted by RCE Greater Sendai. All six Japanese RCEs (RCE Greater Sendai, RCE Yokohama, RCE Chubu, RCE Hyogo-Kobe, RCE Okayama and RCE Kitakyushu) came together and reported activities implemented in 2014. Below are the major activities of each RCE.



UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) CONFINTEA Scholarships

In September 2015 UIL will offer four CONFINTEA research scholarships for a period of one month each to researchers from UNESCO Member States (particularly from the global South). The scholarships are mainly based on private donations from the British educationalist Peter Jarvis and his publisher Taylor & Francis and the Nomura Centre for Lifelong Integrated Education in Japan.



YUVA Meet and the RCE Youth Meeting, New Delhi, 2 - 4 February 2015

Youth Unite for Voluntary Action (YUVA) meet, an annual event organized by The Energy Resource Institute (TERI) and RCE Delhi, was held on 2nd and 3rd Feb 2015 in New Delhi. Representatives from RCEs such as Bogota, Guatemala, Penang, Minna, Kano, Greater Dhaka, Srinagar, Chandigarh and Lucknow attended the two day event on the theme "Sustainable Solutions: Safe Water for All". RCE participants interacted with over 200 youth participants from India.

New development goals risk failure without clearer targets, scientists warn

LONDON, Feb 12 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - U.N. development goals for 2030 risk failure without clearer, more measurable targets that are based on the latest scientific evidence, researchers warned on Thursday.

World leaders are due to adopt later this year a set of new development objectives, such as ending hunger, promoting healthy lives and tackling climate change, to replace eight expiring U.N. Millennium Development Goals. To read the full article click here.


The science of building a perfect world

The science of building a perfect world from Road to Paris, Science for Smart Policy

Science, technology and medicine are of course integral to the development of economies. Indeed, fundamentally, development is about wider access to precisely these things. But what does science have to tell us about the development process itself, about whether the objectives we choose are achievable, desirable? Is there a ‘more scientific’ approach to the goals we set ourselves?

