
RCE Youth in Japan Discuss Actions for Enhanced Collaboration

The 4th Japan RCE Youth Meeting was held online on 15 February, 2022, organised in conjunction with the Working Level Meeting of Japanese RCEs, and co-organised by the newly established Japan RCE Youth Executive Committee, RCE Omuta and UNU-IAS. Youth activities on ESD were discussed to enhance collaboration and networking amongst RCEs in Japan, under the topic 'My action, Our actions'. The event was divided into two sessions: (1) presentation of youth activities and (2) group discussion. 


Open Call: 2022 RCE Applications

The Ubuntu Alliance, in its meeting in April 2006 in Yokohama, established the Committee of Peers for RCEs. This Committee reviews applications for new RCEs and provides recommendations to UNU during the RCE acknowledgement process. The United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) acts as Secretariat of the Ubuntu Alliance. 

Webinar 'Industrial Skills Development in Developing Countries: Non-cognitive Skills, Works, and Productivity'

This online workshop aims to bridge the concept of non-cognitive skills with workplaces, through discussions based on data obtained in the field. Within the area of technical and vocational education and training (TVET), there has been much attention paid recently to non-cognitive skills — the skills that enable workers to appropriately adapt themselves to different situations and collaborate well with colleagues for more effective operation in the workplace.

UNAI SDGs Workshop "SDGs in College Curricula: Mainstreaming & Mapping"

The United Nations Academic Impact are organising the second of their new series of workshops for capacity-building oriented to universities and colleges around the world, to provide training and enhance skills related to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development while fostering the involvement of institutions of higher education as valuable stakeholders to achieve the Goals.

This second workshop will take place on Monday, 24 January 2022, from 10:30am to 12pm New York time on SDGs in College Curricula: Mainstreaming & Mapping.

ESD Okayama Award 2021 Winners Announced

The ESD Okayama Award rewards outstanding ESD practices in local communities around the world to support organisations carrying out ESD activities and to promote ESD to local communities globally through showcasing their initiatives. The Award has been presented annually since 2015. 

This year, 118 applications from 48 countries/regions were accepted. After the first round, 10 applications were selected as finalists, and two projects were awarded as winners in the final stage.
