
What is the Value of an RCE? What is the Benefit of Being an RCE?

RCE North Sweden is currently rethinking their vision, goals, strategies and activities. They would like to know: What is the value for continuing as an RCE? Why did you choose RCE as a platform? What have you benefited most from? What would you miss if you closed down your RCE?

Send your answers to Per-Daniel Liljegren from RCE North Sweden at:


RCE Mentoring Package by RCE Greater Portland

These resources are based on the core details provided on the RCE Network website and discovered through the development process of RCE Greater Portland (aka, the Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network [GPSEN]). Credit for this work is shared with the various mentors, stakeholders, committees, and Board of Directors. We hope that these efforts can help you work through your own core questions and processes. We had many of the same questions when we started.

Prestigious International Designation Recognizes Region as Leader in Sustainability Education Peterborough


On (January 11th, 2017) Peterborough-Kawarthas-Haliburton has been designated as a Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) on Education for Sustainable Development by the United Nations University. The RCE initiative recognizes regions from around the world that demonstrate leadership in addressing complex sustainability challenges, and works to network these communities internationally to support even greater innovation and collaboration.


RCE North East uses documentaries to highlight gender issues and environmental activism

Cinema Politica Newcastle by RCE North East, a project that received the RCE Award 2015 in Category B “Acknowledged Flagship Project (Project Type: Community Engagement)” was set up in 2010 by a group of environmental scientists who wanted to explore, discuss and act on issues related to environmental sustainability. During the first steps of the project the team decided to make documentaries to highlight under-represented viewpoints, and to provide a safe space for discussion and debate. These films were publicly accessible.
United Kingdom

ESD Okayama Award ceremony celebrates inspirational ESD initiatives worldwide and at home

The ESD Okayama Award was established by the ESD Okayama Award Steering Board and City of Okayama in 2015, to showcase and promote ESD worldwide. 50 applicants applied for the ‘ESD Okayama Award’ with 29 applicants from 27 countries and 21 national applications from Japan. 30 applications were received for the ‘Okayama Regional Awards’. The initial screening left the jury with nine finalists for the global award and five finalists for the regional award. Finally the judges selected two winners for each award. However, the judges managed to select two winners for each award category.

