UNU-IAS Roadmap for the RCE Community 2021-2030

RCE Roadmap ThumbnailThe 'Roadmap for the RCE Community 2021–2030' serves to guide the RCE community’s collective actions towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the ESD for 2030 framework at local, national and global levels during the period 2021-2030.

Developed in close consultation with the Global RCE Network and the Ubuntu Committee of Peers for the RCEs, the Roadmap presents the long-term vision and mission of the RCE community. The Roadmap highlights four strategic priority areas for the next 10 years which had been commonly identified by the RCE community, as follows:

  1. Serving as local and regional hubs for ESD and showing leadership for innovation
  2. Strengthening the association of RCE activities with SDGs and ESD framework
  3. Expanding knowledge sharing and outreach
  4. Monitoring progress of RCE achievements

Through a focus on these strategic priority areas and some suggested actions under each priority area, the RCE community will be in a position to continue generating, accelerating and mainstreaming ESD and contributing to the realisation of the SDGs in their respective regional and local contexts.

View the Roadmap for the RCE Community 2021–2030.

Note: The previous roadmap (UNU-IAS Roadmap for the RCE Community 2016-2020) can be viewed here.
