
Report on the 8th ASEAN+3 Leadership Programme on SCP and SWITCH-Asia Workshop

8th ASEAN+3 Leadership Programme on Sustainable Production and Consumption (SCP) and SWITCH-Asia Workshop on “ASEAN and SCP Governance in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”

by Hanna Stahlberg


Stories of Change from the EcoChallenge 2015

EcoChallenge 2015 just wrapped up with over 4,300 people proving that small actions add up to real change! The commitment of people and their communities have been impressive to see over the course of the past two weeks. EcoChallengers have made a real difference. Taking the time to try on new habits and making a difference in a community is no small thing.

United States

Outcomes of AASHE in Minneapolis, USA

AASHE Conference (25-28 October 2015, Minneapolis, USA)

by Philip Vaughter, Research Fellow, UNU-IAS

edited by Hanna Stahlberg, Communications Associate, UNU-IAS

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) held its annual conference at the end of October, marking the organization’s first decade with the theme of “Transforming Sustainability Education.”

United States

Online Course: Foundations of Sociocracy

What is Sociocracy

Sociocracy is using a decision making and an organizational structure to enable co-creation in organisations. RCE Munich started a sociocracy working group to spread this system of governance in the ESD-field. RCE Munich hopes to give a boost of trust, cooperation and transparency in every organisation.

Similar methods are for example Dragon-Dreaming and Holocracy. Sociocracy is based on the philosophy of Auguste Comte (1798-1857) More on sociocracy can be found here.


Cycle Logistics - an example of a successful business model tackling climate change by Jos Hermans

The European Union is finally officially acknowledging the importance of cycling as a climate-friendly means of transport (see EU Declaration of Cycling as a means of climate-friendly transport). The Declaration's action plans invites local, regional and national focal points on cycling as a means of transport.
