
Unity in Diverse

Lets diversify unity among ourselves. Racism is NO good. The world is changing at a fast rate so we should team up to address the challenges that come along our path .

My color is just the planned creation by God, so is yours' too. The world is diverse and the fact is that we can't all be at one place so I do pray that we be one despite of where we come from!!

Let's all Unite for Global prosperity.

Thank you,
Hamisi Mkuzi
For RCE-Greater Pwani {Kenya}

Unity in Diverse

Lets diversify unity among ourselves. Racism is NO good. The world is changing at a fast rate so we should team up to address the challenges that come along our path .

My color is just the planned creation by God, so is yours' too. The world is diverse and the fact is that we can't all be at one place so I do pray that we be one despite of where we come from!!

Let's all Unite for Global prosperity.

Thank you,
Hamisi Mkuzi
For RCE-Greater Pwani {Kenya}

World Environmental Day : Activity Timeline

Raise your Voice, NOT the sea level!

In line with this years theme, we at RCE-Pwani decided to mark this special day by planting trees of different variety at our Botanical Garden. Different people with different age groups were involved. Am happy to say that the event was not only a success but also a positive step towards climate change mitigation. Thank you!

RCE-Greater Pwani.

My Experience with RCE-Greater Pwani

Hello everyone!

Would like to express my sincere thanks to the Global RCE and more so the United Nations University for having awarded me travel support to attend YUVA MEET 2014 in New Delhi. It was a good opportunity for me as I met and made new friend as well as learning some new stuff specifically the skill of being confident during presentation.

My Experience Visiting RCE Schools in Delhi, India



The story of 2014 YUVA (Youth Unite for Voluntary Action) Meet will not end without mentioning visit to two RCE schools in Delhi. For us the participants from RCE Minna, it is one among the few activities we will continue to remember from 2014 YUVA Meet. First, we visited Tagore International College, New Delhi. We were received with warm welcome from the students of the college who ushered us into the prestigious college that boost of fourty (40) years of existence.

RCEs of the Americas: Youth Virtual Conference

We are looking forward with great anticipation to this year’s Youth Virtual Conference of the UNU RCEs on 5/2/2014. This year we have five schools from five different countries participating in the conference, "A Regional Perspective on Food Systems and Sustainability". The schools include:
Grand Rapids City High Middle School, Grand Rapids, Michiga, USA
Luther College High Scholl, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Montessori School, Medellin, Colombia
Peruvian Northamerican Abraham Lincoln School, Lima Peru
