RCE Zaria
The geographical scope of the Zaria RCE is defined by the immediate influence region of Zaria town covering a Landmass of about 150 square kilometers and accommodating about 1.4million people. There are four local Governments in the proposed RCE region: Zaria, Sabongari, Giwa and Soba local Governments. The justification for choice of the region is that it is one of the most densely settled in Northern Nigeria; has significant natural resource challenges from a rapidly growing urban population and has a flourishing economy supported by the location of 10 national higher institutions and research centres (4th largest concentration in the country). The region also is heavily dependent on the natural ecosystem for survival, but has a large pool of change agents that can influence lifestyle shifts towards sustainable living. Perhaps of great consequence to the region is the hugely domineering influence of Zaria town, which is second largest in Kaduna state, north-west Nigeria. This is in the way it has shaped the socio-economic dynamics of the proposed RCE region and the environmental stress it has. Zaria has a population of about 847,000 people (2006 census) and covers about 50,000Ha of land. The town is administered primarily by two local Governments: Zaria and Sabongari, but some of its parts have sprawled into it has influence over two others: Giwa and Soba. Nigeria has 36 states and Kaduna state is the 3rd ranked in population and land mass. Zaria is located at a distance of about 250km to the Federal capital city, Abuja, and 150km to Kano, the commercial nerve centre of Northern Nigeria. It is served by road and rail, and by an airport.
The vision of RCE greater Zaria draws inspiration from the goals of UNU for RCE’s and the region specific challenges of Zaria urban area. Consistent to these considerations, RCE Greater Zaria has its vision “To enhance competencies and capabilities of the regional cooperation through formal and non-formal education, research and documentation, advocacy and strategic actions that help promote prosperity, resilience and social inclusion relevant to the local communities of the Zaria region and in support of global ESD objectives”
Goals and objectives:
- To expand the network of stakeholders in ESD and build further consensus around sustainability challenges of the Zaria region.
- To develop action plans for promotion of ESD to mobilize support and increase visibility of ESD in the Zaria region.
- To attain sustainable use of resources in life styles amongst the population.
- To ensure protection of transitional knowledge within the Zaria region.
Centre for Spatial Information Science, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria
- Enhancing the Understanding of Ecosystem (vegetation) Change Detection Amongst Communities in Greater RCE Zaria Region
- Baseline information on urban and vegetation index
- Establishment of 3000 Seedling Orange Plantation
- Design and development of an Acophonics filter for purification of contaminated water
- Development of ICT platform for Ecosystem Change Detection in RCE Zaria
c/o Centre for Spatial Information Science,
Department of Urban and Regional Planning,
Ahmadu Bello University, Main Campus, Zaria –Nigeria