Fresh water

RCE Yogyakarta - 2023


Yogyakarta Yogyakarta


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon IMG_20220808_133319.jpg (2.28 MB) Teacher Training Pict 1 RCE Yogyakarta
Image icon IMG_20220808_125654.jpg (2.31 MB) Teacher Training Pict 2 RCE Yogyakarta
Date of submission:
Application of Participatory Video-Based Education Methods (PV) and Freeware to improve the quality of learning in elementary schools

RCE Hyogo-Kobe - 2023


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Image icon 051B7231-2E6B-405F-A345-8D7EFA806E04.jpeg (77.25 KB) RCE conference for practioners in Japan in 2019 ESD platform WILL
Image icon 8133E6C5-6AC0-48E5-A42F-CC6D455B4F16.jpeg (151.66 KB) We support making cities and human settlements with sustainability in Akasaki, Iwate (where seriously damaged by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake) ESD platform WILL
Image icon C7EEDB9B-8ABB-4320-AA5D-4B07C019C165.jpeg (248.06 KB) We develop the spot called “Tsudoino-Hiroba (a spot to gather with diversity)” in order to promote ESD in National Sanatorium Oku-Komyoen ESD platform WILL
Date of submission:
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Project to create ESD platform which the youth mainly encourages interaction among diverse people and communities
Target Audience:

RCE Mishmi Hills - 2023


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Image icon 1.jpeg (321.78 KB)
Image icon 2.png (1.57 MB)
Image icon 667ae0aa-c2da-4ada-bab8-5734f32fabbd.jpg (195.12 KB)
Image icon 1687249d-8be1-4c35-bb0e-1e2e7451e063.jpg (172.72 KB)
Image icon d06501b1-8dc6-4ed4-b017-8c9497a11d11.jpg (168.95 KB)
Date of submission:
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
RCE Mishmi Hills conduct door-to-door awareness campaign on River Cleanliness drive and Waste Segregation.

RCE Greater Shangri-la - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Photo 1 - Students are practising Tibetan calligraphy in Qinghai Province.jpg (3.66 MB) Photo 1 - Students are practicing Tibetan calligraphy in Qinghai Province Wande Gongba
Image icon Photo 2 - Students are watering their eco-garden in Yunnan Province.jpeg (9.26 MB) Photo 2 - Students are watering their eco-garden in Yunnan Province Wande Gongba
Image icon Photo 3 - Local people are offering water deities to protect water sources in traditional way in Sichuan Province.jpeg (7.07 MB) Photo 3 - Local people are offering water deities to protect water sources in traditional way in Sichuan Province Wande Gongba
Date of submission:
China Waterschool Programme
Target Audience:

RCE Saskatchewan - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon S4N on dock 300 dpi.jpg (1.11 MB) Group picture from 2019 Songs for Nature camp R. Hicks
Image icon S4N campfire 300 dpi(1).jpg (2.02 MB) Songs for Nature campfire 2021 R. Hicks
Image icon S4N videos in Home gallery 300 dpi.jpg (1.88 MB) Songs for Nature display in Home gallery G. Sutter
Date of submission:
Monday, March 20, 2023
Songs for Nature
Target Audience:

RCE KwaZulu Natal - 2023


South Africa


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Gugulethu in Mabasa WWD23 celebration.jpg (1.92 MB) Community members involved in an activity investigating how wetlands function C. Russell
Date of submission:
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Piloting a remote citizen science learning system: investigating what technical obstacles emerge in a deep rural community
Target Audience:
