Dear All,
After 2014, we need a more radical approach to achieving sustainable development through education. Partnerships and collaborations will be key to sustaining sustainable development especially under the key 5 Principles of Global Call for Action on ESD.
Partnership with UN Global Education First Initiative based on ESD pillars; collaboration with UN Inter-Agency Network for Youth Development and World Federations of United Nations Associations Youth Network, also initiating virtual gathering and online sustainability debates for youth through different Youth Network’s portal will be key in supporting youth as change agent.
Let us all call for partnership that last long which will also incorporate both the youth, learners, educators, local communities for a qualitative education for all.
Thank you,
Usman RCE Kano
Hamisi Mkuzi
Sat, 2014-05-31 15:13
Usman Muhammad
Tue, 2014-06-24 09:28
Tue, 2014-07-01 11:25