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dirksen's picture

Tourist and Travel Plans around 8th Global RCE Conference

This is a forum for anyone interested in sharing their travel, tourism or other personal plans around the conference. Hopefully it will provide an opportunity for people to perhaps form wider groups to see more of the country.


RCEgreaterportland's picture

Hello, dear colleagues. I look forward to meeting you in just a few short weeks. As a new RCE candidate for the Greater Portland region, in the state of Oregon, in the United States, I have not had a chance to meet anyone yet.

I am in the process of finalizing my travel plans, as many of you surely are as well. Is anyone else planning to arrive the weekend before the conference? If so, what are people hoping to do.

It is likely late to be asking this but are you by chance scheduling a safari or are you interested in taking one as a group? I arrive in Nairobi Friday night, the 22nd, and am considering a trip to the Masai Mara (other recommended sites?) for Saturday to Monday. It would be nice to go with others. There are options to do solo travel, but it would be better and less expensive to go as a group. Is anyone by chance interested? Or do others have any recommendations for particular tour companies that do a good job?

Best wishes to all in your work and travels.

Thank you,
Kim Smith
Coordinator, RCE Greater Portland
RCEgreaterportland's picture

Japheth Khisa Chemiati replied [via email]: first i would like to welcome you to Kenya for the conference. I am a new member too and would like to offer any necessary help to my colleagues who will be travelling to Kenya. I would help you with arrangements towards your trip to Masai Mara. There are many tour companies that offer the best services. Keep in touch in case you need any assistance.
RCEgreaterportland's picture

Ronald Juma replied [via email]: Kim,
That is a good idea as a group I think we cut short the cost and it is more enjoyable for you have an opportunity to share more. I will prefer to join up with others.

Would anyone else like to join us?
atiti's picture

We look forward to welcoming you to Kenya. I have used Travel Affairs Tour Company and liked their services. I visited Amboseli National Park in December 2011. Get in touch with Janet Owino a Tour Consultant at the company for recommendations where to visit. Her email is:
Tell her that I (Abel Atiti) recommended Travel Affairs to you. I am Kenyan and a member of the Global RCE Service Centre. Keep me posted at
RCEgreaterportland's picture

Thank you very much, Atiti. I will see what she recommends. I haven't received any confirmations that others are interested in traveling together, so I might still be on my own.
