16th Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting

16th Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting

12-15 September 2024, hybrid, hosted by RCE Kyrgyzstan

(Photo credit: Dr. Donato dela Cruz)

The 16th Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting will be organised in a hybrid format from 12-15 September 2024, including a two-day optional field visit, hosted by RCE Kyrgyzstan. The meeting will take place at Arabaev Kyrgyz State University (AKSU), Institute of Natural Sciences and Tourism, in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic under the theme ‘Expanding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): Capabilities to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education’.

The regional meeting aims to enhance quality education across various levels, including school and higher education, by facilitating the exchange of experiences and initiatives from both formal and non-formal education sectors. it will also provide a platform for enhancing collaboration and initiating new projects to improve quality education. Furthermore, the meeting seeks to promote lifelong learning and sustainable practices in the Asia-Pacific Region.

The venue, situated amidst the stunning landscape of Bishkek in the Kyrgyz Republic, offers participants the opportunity to explore the beauty of national parks and engage with local traditional communities. An optional field visit provides a unique cultural experience and valuable insights into the region's rich heritage.


Date/Time: 12-15 September 2024

Location: Hybrid 

In-person: Arabaev Kyrgyz State University (AKSU), Institute of Natural Sciences and Tourism, and RCE Kyrgyzstan, located in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev (AKSU), 51a Razzakova Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic: Google Maps)

*Please note in-person attendance is only limited to RCE members in the Asia-Pacific region.

Online: To be shared

Programme: Tentative programme



Please register through the online registration form by Friday, 16 August 2024 (KGT) *

*Please note that spaces for in-person participation are limited. Considering the necessary process of VISA application, early registration is recommended.

Accommodation: For the details, please refer to the General Information

VISA: For the details, please refer to the General Information and Annex 3



i. Lightning Presentation (Day 1)

(Deadline for application: Friday, 16 August 2024 (KGT))

Please see Document A: Instructions for Lightning Presentation and Case Study Presentation Session for details. To apply for a lightning presentation, RCEs are required to submit the following:

All in-person participants are kindly requested to attend this session to foster engaging and dynamic exchanges. For those who unable to join physically, the details of online participation will be informed by email.


ii. Good ESD Practice Sharing Session (Day 2)

(Deadline for application: Friday, 16 August 2024 (KGT))

Please see Document A: Instructions for Lightning Presentation and Case Study Presentation Session for details. To apply for a case study presentation, participants are required to:

  • Submit their RCE Project through the RCE Portal.
  • Complete the online registration form
  • Theme: ‘Expanding ESD capabilities to achieve SDG 4 (Quality Education)
  • Sub-theme: (sharing good ESD practices, successful activities, teaching methods/methodologies to improve education quality under the sub-themes below):
    • Local actions on transforming learning environments
    • Local actions on building the capacities of educators
    • Local actions on empowering and mobilizing youth

*In case you experience any technical difficulties submitting your RCE Project through the RCE Portal, please contact the Global RCE Service Centre (rceconference@unu.edu).

RCE Kyrgyzstan will contact applicants regarding the selection results around the end of August 2024 by email.


(3) Contact Details

Should you have any inquiries, please contact to RCE Kyrgyzstan at 
