Teacher Ed.

RCE Kuching - 2019


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Image icon Screenshot 2019-09-03 at 5.46.18 PM.png (321.51 KB) Poster and Backdrop Sherrymina Kichin & Lucas Lim
Image icon DSC_8751.JPG (1.82 MB) With all winners Ryan Lanyu
Image icon DSC_8043.JPG (2.21 MB) Finalists wearing traditional costumes Muhammad Imran Bin Mohd Hilman Rajang
Image icon 67079737_408896449760957_66155686202966016_n.jpg (124.32 KB) From left to right : Mukvinder Sandhu (V.Chairperson RCE Kuching), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeong Siew Wei (Chairperson RCE Kuching), Francesca Enchang (Chairperson SRAC 2019) & Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji Mohamad Morshidi Abdul Ghani (Dep. Chairman OKSHe) Tang Leong Kong
Image icon 67238354_411721476145121_6562465013288665088_n-2.jpg (150.28 KB) Congratulations to all winners! Student Affairs & Alumni, UCSI University / RCE Kuching Secretariat
Image icon 67528035_411721469478455_5780082393280937984_n.jpg (131.17 KB) Thank you to all speakers and invited guests for coming! Student Affairs & Alumni, UCSI University/ RCE Kuching Secretariat
Image icon 67670298_411721489478453_1446284882073354240_n.jpg (149.74 KB) Thank you to all RCE Youth Ambassadors and volunteers from UCSI University! Student Affairs & Alumni, UCSI University/ RCE Kuching Secretariat
Date of submission:
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Sarawak River Art Competition 2019

RCE North Rift - 2019


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Picture1.jpg (187.08 KB) Adopting A river Project, students from different institutions Green Club led by Mr. Welinga Martin, Eldoret National Polytechnic Green Club patron Onyancha Dennis, RCE North Rift Youth Coordinator
Image icon Picture2.jpg (455.65 KB) Adopting A river Project, students from different institutions Green Club led by Mr. Welinga Martin, Eldoret National Polytechnic Green Club patron Onyancha Dennis, RCE North Rift Youth Coordinator
Image icon Picture3.jpg (123.25 KB) At the E Waste Collection Centre for the North Rift Region supported by Safaricom Kenya LTD. Jelagat Phyllis, Secretary department Quality assurance and Standards - Environment
Date of submission:

RCE Galicia - 2019


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Image icon 2019_livro_a_mina_contamina.jpeg (265.01 KB) "A mina contamina" children's book Montescola
Image icon a_mina_contamina_puppets.jpg (39.41 KB) "A mina contamina" puppet show characters "Pinga" & "Lavandeira" Montescola
Image icon ud6_12-180x300.png (73.06 KB) "A mina contamina" 6-12 year olds curriculum guide Montescola
Image icon ud_mais12-183x300.png (67.04 KB) "A mina contamina" +12 year olds curriculum guide Montescola
Image icon sanfinx.jpg (45.7 KB) Public screening and debate of the San Finx 1960 documentary film Montescola
Image icon aminacontamina.jpg (113.8 KB) Teacher training workshop Montescola
Date of submission:
Saturday, June 1, 2019
"A mina contamina" (The mine pollutes)

RCE Warsaw Metropolitan - 2019


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Image icon TrainingForLocalGovernments.jpg (209.3 KB) Training for local governments - officers learn how to use mapping tool to collect information about elements of green infrastructure and ecosystem services they provide UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre
Image icon LessonsForStudents.jpg (143.35 KB) Young farmers-to-be learning about GI UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre
Image icon EducationalPicnics.JPG (3.66 MB) Educational picnics - learning local communities about role of green infrastructure in adaptation to climate changes UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre
Image icon Fieldwork.JPG (3.84 MB) Young people during fieldwork UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre
Date of submission:
Friday, May 31, 2019
GreenGo! Promoting role of green infrastructure in sustainable development of non-urban areas
Target Audience:
Community, Primary, Secondary, Teacher Ed., Youth (Informal)
employees of the local community offices

RCE Belarus - 2019


Sovetskaya 18-233


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Image icon 73a5aa44-8e41-4a54-bab9-d4fe6e8bfc99.jpg (201.93 KB) TeRRIFICA international team. Kick off meeting, Feb.2019 N.Steinhaus
Image icon 60978920_364796724142327_7428075419363966976_n.jpg (147.28 KB) First TeRRIFICA Online-Conference "Connecting Co Creation and Climate Action", Minsk, Belarus Irina Ponedelnik
Date of submission:
Friday, May 31, 2019
TeRRIFICA (Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation Fostering Innovative Climate Action

RCE Bogota - 2019


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Image icon photo1.jpg (314.52 KB) Young leaders in the closing event of the project on December, 2018. Daniela Murcia
Image icon photo2.jpg (372.46 KB) Launching event of the project on May, 2018. Sustainability initiatives showcasing their projects. Daniela Murcia
Image icon photo3.jpg (1.06 MB) Young leaders receiving certificates for developing the Sustainability Workshop and working with the project throughout the year. December, 2018. Daniela Murcia
Date of submission:
Thursday, May 23, 2019
How urban youth can be an engine to achieve low- carbon sustainable lifestyles: beginning in Bogota

RCE Greater Atlanta - 2019


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Image icon BeltLine Tour LC ESD 2018.jpg (4.2 MB) Students tour the Old Fourth Ward Park, designed for recreation and sophisticated stormwater management, during a trip on Atlanta’s multi-purpose rail-to-trail project, the BeltLine. K. Lanza
Image icon Proctor Creek LC ESD 2018.jpg (2.88 MB) Students discuss watershed health and sustainable development with environmental justice scholar Na’Taki Osborne Jelks. K. Lanza
Image icon Workshop LC Community Health 2018.jpg (4.12 MB) Students from courses linked under the theme of Community Health enjoy their opening workshop and introduction to the theme. M. Das
Date of submission:
Friday, May 24, 2019
A Transdisciplinary Learning Case Study: The Linked Courses Program at Georgia Tech
Target Audience:
