RCE Tyrol-2014

1. Project Title: 
ECG in schools
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
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5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

ECG - Economy of the Common Goods is a concept for doing sustainable and responsible business. The approach was established in Austria in 2011 first and was spreaded all over Europe and America. Until today hundreds of enterprises have done the ECG-balance and try to follow the values of sustainable development.

2014 the first ECG - region worldwide was build up in Ialy, supported through Terra - Institute.

Schools play an important role in the development of sustainable regions. Thus RCE Tyrol has set up a concept for higher schools. It adresses teachers primarly but also involves pupils in a second stage.

- "Learning Sustainibility": Workshops to raise awareness and to introduce in various sustainability issues.

- "The ECG balance": workshop to get familar with basics the ECG - balance

- Support in doing the ECG-balance in schools


6. Project status
In Planning
- Core group of schools who will do the balance is formed
- Kick off "ECG in schools" is planned in October
- Start with first workshops in December
8. Tagging
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