RCE Tongyeong-2015

1. Project Title: 
The magician of the SUN – alternative energy education using solar power technology.
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
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3. Project partner contact information : 
RCE Tongyeong
Prgram Operation
Main Contact: 
SuYeon Park
4. Project type
Select the relevant type for your project: 
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

- The magician of the SUN – alternative energy education using solar power technology is a short-term education program for preschool and elementary school students. This program aims to imagine new technology which can change people’s life. During one and half hour, students have an opportunity to see about ten eco-friendly techniques which Sejahtera centre has including a solar collector, sunlight generators, wind tunnel and etc. Within the program, students watch an animation “Bbororo’s super sled” to learn how the solar power works and the reason why we reduce the electricity use. After watching the video, they tour the centre and pop popcorn by using solar cooker. They learn how the sun gives them good energy and they start to imagine. Students draw an imagination sheet to answer the question; “If I am a magician who can use solar power freely, what do I want to make to develop people’s life?”. After share their ideas with class mates, they bring this sheet with them to progress their ideas. From next year, we will give them the chance to make these idea goods as a follow-up program at the Sejatera craft class.

6. Project status
On Going
This project stared in April 2015 to provide opportunity for local students to learn the meaning of alternative energies and how to develop this. It is opened to all school students specially from preschool to elementary school. Since April 2015, 538 students, 13 schools and 2 groups participated in this program.
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