RCE Srinagar Partakes in Several Webinars on COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Abdhesh Kumar Gangwar, Coordinator and Focal Point, RCE Srinagar was a guest speaker during two webinars organised by the Centre for Environment Education Nepal, the first one on 19 May, 2020 on the subject 'Dealing with COVID-19: Becoming Sustainable, Climate Smart and Disaster Resilient' and the second on 5 June, 2020 on the occasion of World Environment Day 2020.  

Both webinars were attended by over 75 people from Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Australia. In his presentation, Abdhesh emphasised on humanity’s increasing footprint, ‘Earth Overshoot Day’ and humanity’s need to come to ‘One Planet Living’.  

Dr. Gangwar noted, "The COVID-19 lockdown has demonstrated mankind living in harmony with nature, with the lessons learnt to be practised and continued in future. Human beings need to be sensitive, wise and disciplined taking the pledge to restore sustainability, whilst traditional practices need to be understood, respected, promoted and protected." 

Dr. Gangwar also made presentations during international conferences organised by the International Alliance for COVID-19 Community Response (IACCR), hosted by New Century Institute of Education Safety Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China. The IACCR conferences are held every fortnight with international participation from over 500 people from over ten countries. Abdhesh was invited to speak in the webinar 'Science of Survival' organised by Uttarakhand Science Education and Research Center, Uttarakhand, India on 30 April, 2020 where he deliberated upon the 'Post Pandemic State', increasing the institutional role in environment management, saving lives and livelihoods.
