RCE Saskatchewan-2016

1. Project Title: 
Yancoal Southey Potash Project Environmental Impact Assessment Initiative
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
3. Project partner contact information : 
RCE Saskatchewan Sustainable Infrastructure Working Group
Main Contact: 
Dr. Garth Pickard and Dr. Ray Ambrosi (Working Group Co-coordinators)
Dr. Garth Pickard
RCE Saskatchewan Sustainable Infrastructure Working Group
Alternative project contact: 
Dr. Ray Ambrosi
RCE Saskatchewan Sustainable Infrastructure Working Group
Jocelyn Crivea
Institute of Energy, Environment and Sustainable Communities, University of Regina
Neil Wagner
Havelock Special Projects Committee (HSPC)
Aura Lee MacPherson
Calling Lakes Ecomuseum
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

RCE Saskatchewan was an observer at public consultations held by Yancoal Canada and community meetings throughout the region regarding a proposed solution potash mine: the Yancoal Southey Potash Project (Yancoal Project). RCE Saskatchewan determined from (1) those discussions, (2) the collected concerns of various constituent groups; and, (3) a review of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS), document itself that RCE Saskatchewan could play an important role in bringing attention to:

  1. The magnitude of the Yancoal Project warranting a far more complex Environmental Impact Assessment;
  2. The philosophical stance of the Yancoal Project with its understanding of what constitutes appropriate development being outdated; and,
  3. The Yancoal Project Environmental Impact Study not including inclusive research examining how the construction of the mine and its continued operation might affect the social and cultural aspects of the communities impacted including the potential loss of social capital and other cultural assets.

The RCE Saskatchewan submission to the Yancoal Southey Potash Project Environmental Impact Assessment of the Government of Saskatchewan strategically engaged in resource/research linking providing both the Government of Saskatchewan and the Government of Canada with inclusive information regarding the Yancoal Project's deficiencies and acted to bring science and social science researchers and community members together to assist in the review process.

6. Project status
On Going
RCE Saskatchewan had extensive correspondence with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment leading up to its conditional approval of the Yancoal Potash Mine in August, 2016. RCE Saskatchewan petitioned the Government of Canada to conduct its own Environmental Impact Assessment of the project. A decision has yet to be made by the Federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
8. Tagging