RCE Middle Albania-2015

Regional Energy Efficiency Action Plan for ESD in Albania
1. Project Title: 
Regional Energy Efficiency Action Plan for ESD in Albania
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
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Other (please clarify) : 
Energy efficiency
3. Project partner contact information : 
Ministry of Energy and Industry Albania
project partner
Main Contact: 
Alma Fataj
4. Project type
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5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

Energy is a priority of the Government of Albania for the next four coming years. It is also a focus of global millennium goals and European policies. In parallel, Albania’s last Technology Needs Assessment cited thermal insulation for public buildings and households as a major priority for the country. Albania recently passed legislation enforcing energy efficiency requirements, and thus implementation of efficiency projects at the local level is of importance to achieve emissions reductions.

This project will require collaboration of different stakeholders in the field of energy efficiency. As the initiative is from the central government, the collaboration with RCE middle Albania, will secure a proper translation of government priorities into local level actions..

The proposal will involve the three regional councils of Tirana, Durres and Elbasan, and will work in accordance with the Government legal framework for preparing energy efficiency action plans as well as the RCE middle Albania program, to enforce regional cooperation in sustainability through an inter-regional approach.

There is a lack of coordination resulting in sporadic and separate initiatives from different stakeholders across the country. There is a lack of understanding of government priorities at the local level, and lack of instruments of translation of these priorities to real actions.

There is also weak inter-regional cooperation in this sector- another reason to implement this initiative, which would foster dialogue between three major centers in Albania.

Energy efficiency action plan for the region of middle Albania:.

The Ministry of Energy and Industry has a precise format for the National Plan, and Local efficiency plans, which breakdown into many sectors, as ( residential, services, industry, transport, etc). The team would require support in developing action plans for three Regional Councils of Tirana-Durres-Elbasan, taking into account the component of awareness and education, where regional and government priorities meet..

In this aspect coordination with the Action Plan on Education for Sustainable Development, specifically with the Energy chapter is needed. Based on the action plans, a multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder engagement process is needed on a regional and national level to build capacity and increase awareness.

Training assistance is also requested to support energy auditor education.

6. Project status
On Going
Activity 1 (Information) – Develop information for modelling Regional Energy Efficiency Action Plans (REEAPs) for the Tirana-Durres-Elbasan regions and their alignment Albania's 2018 EE national targets. And build on current Sustainable Development Education information including the efforts of RCE Middle Albania.

Activity 1.1 (Knowledge Baseline) – Albania has an active portfolio of initiatives directed at energy efficiency, climate resilience and sustainable development. Identify applicable programmes to incorporate into deliverables; and applicable information sources. Identify opportunities for synergy. Reference relevant programmes and, where applicable, open communication dialogue.

Activity 2 (REEAPs) – Using knowledge, information and dialogue with key stakeholders, draft Regional Energy Efficiency Action Plans that take into account the components of dissemination, awareness and education for each of the Regional Councils of Tirana-Durres-Elbasan. The main stakeholders for engagement are the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water (note: this is the NDE); Ministry of Energy; and the three targeted Municipalities .

While these Action Plans are anticipated to carry elements that reflect each of the three respective regions there is also expected to be a common theme which makes these Action Plans scalable and replicable. Further, ensure that the plan incorporates national priorities on energy efficiency and that it dovetails with existing projects, particularly GIZ initiatives on Monitoring and Verification of EE plans.

Other sources of content should also be considered. For instance, the World Bank's Climate Action for Urban Sustainability (CURB) model could provide a useful framework to guide energy efficiency planning at the regional level in Albania. In addition, develop a multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder engagement process will be developed to build capacity and increase awareness for the targeted regions. National level engagement with Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Environment needs to be included to reflect scalability.

Activity 3 (Sustainable Development Education) – construct multi-stakeholder engagement process at a regional to build capacity and increase awareness related to risks from climate change, and the benefits of resilient planning, in close coordination with the Action Plan on Education for Sustainable Development, specifically within the Ministry of Energy.

Activity 4 (Outflow) – Build dialogue with targeted stakeholders on Regional Energy Efficiency Action Plans and their alignment with the goals of Albania's National Energy Efficiency Action Plan.

Activity 4.1 (Workshops) – Administer (3) workshops in Tirana, Durres and Elbasan and one (1) national engagement to build technical capacity, increase awareness and mainstream Energy Efficiency in relation to opportunity, investment and sustainability. This should directly and indirectly follow-on from content and actions emanating from previous events and initiatives:
• Action Plan on Education for Sustainable Development is the Energy Chapter
• Sustainable Regional Development with focus on Energy Efficiency
• Residential Energy Efficiency Guide
• EE pilot demonstrations (e.g. schools)

Activity 4.2 (Direct Engagement) – Workshops should involve multiple stakeholders for translating national government priorities into uptake at the local level. Stakeholders should include:
• Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water
• RCE Middle Albania, on Education for Sustainable Development for Middle Albania
• Department of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Energy and Industry
• GIZ (Albania office)
• Meister Consulting Group (Boston office)
• Tirana Aarhus Center (located within the Ministry of Environment),

Activity 5 (M&E) – Technical evaluation of outcomes and impact. Capture impact of workshops through workshop completion, follow-ups (workshop evaluation) and document (REEAP) development, translations and handoffs. In addition, who is making use of the information.

Activity 6 (Communication) – Codify and prepare documentation (with translations as necessary) for dissemination to client. Also, provide narrative of project to CTCN for website content
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