RCE Greater Nairobi-2014

1. Project Title: 
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
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3. Project partner contact information : 
Research Component and Capacity Building
Main Contact: 
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

Ngong and its environs, including Ongata Rongai, Kiserian and Karen do not have a licensed solid waste treatment facility. All the waste generated in these areas should be taken to the main Dandora Dumpsite located in Nairobi City County. However, due to the distance, all the waste is dumped in Ngong dumpsite. Over time, this dumpsite has been an eyesore. It used to be a small heap of waste but with time the site expanded and became a threat to the neighbouring church compound and school. On a windy day, plastic papers from the dump-site would strew all over the area. Animals-goats, dogs, donkeys were scavenging freely in the dump-site.

Scavengers or recyclers retrieve valuable waste products from the waste delivered to the dump-site. These people carry out this activity in unhygienic conditions without personal protective gear and under the scorching sun. They rubble through the dirt sorting for materials with their bare hands and feet. They also eat their snacks or food in this dirty environment.

The valuable products include plastics, glass, metals clothes and organic waste for feeding the pigs. The plastics and glass collected are sold to brokers who sell to other recyclers companies. The dump-site is managed by the County Government of Kajiado, who collect a fee from all the transporters as they dump their waste.

NEMA and Kenyatta University partnered with Nuru Youth Group and RCE Greater Nairobi to transform the dump site to an excellent center for solid waste management, where students can also use as a learning center for waste management including research and innovation

7. Provide references and reference materials : 
6. Project status
On Going
1.Engagement of the key stakeholder, the County Government of Kajiado who manage the dump-site.
2. Capacity Building on waste segregation and transportation has been done on waste legislation, managing waste in the county, safe and health waste handling and entrepreneurship skills as well as financial planning.
3. Fencing of the Dump-site has been done by the County Government of Kajiado to secure the place
4. A sorting shade has already been constructed and in the process of putting up a store, an office and install a water tank. A sanitation facility will also be constructed. There is also a consideration to put up a second sorting shade for women. At the moment women and men sort waste ad different days hence no gender works daily

8. Tagging
Africa and Middle East