RCE Dublin-2015

1. Project Title: 
RCE Dublin - Tranforming Together SDG
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
Select your options: 
3. Project partner contact information : 
Educate Together
Partner RCE Dublin, Lead Partner
Main Contact: 
Ruth Doggett
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

Project Objective

Develop an online ESD course focused on Ethical-values in conjunction with Educate Together based on the principles of The Earth Charter, with a particular focus on change agency and transformation towards just, caring and sustainable societies.

This ESD curriculum will be delivered at primary and post-primary levels in the 32 Educate Together schools with the RCE Dublin region.

Description & Partner Role:

As there is an existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between DCU and Educate Together, it is proposed that RCE Dublin will work with Educate Together on this initiative. Educate Together is the patron body for multidenominational education in Ireland. Currently the patronage covers 66 primary schools and is likely to increase to over a hundred within the next two years. In addition the sector will open their first three post primary schools in 2014. This online Sustainability course will be built on the foundations of the Earth Charter. The focus will be on the development of sustainable citizens for the 21st century, who will act as change agents in the transformation of self and society towards sustainability. It is envisaged that the online ESD course will be tailored to particular levels of learners (primary/ post-primary). Differentiated learning experiences will be promoted within the course design, with the aim of ameliorating aspects of social exclusion currently experienced in schools. The “Transforming Together” course will also be made available to schools outside the “Educate-Together’ network of schools in the greater Dublin area. Research publications detailing the process of designing and developing the Transforming Sustainability course, and will be disseminated nationally and internationally.

6. Project status
On Going
The Transforming Together project partnership is being led by Ruth Doggett of Educate Together, and includes partners from Dublin City University and Eco-UNESCO. To date, preliminary meetings have been held to discuss the content of this online course for primary pupils focusing on Ethical Education/ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. It is expected that design and development will be undertaken in Autumn/Winter 2015 with piloting commencing in Spring 2016.
8. Tagging