RCE Curitiba-Parana - 2019

Sustainable Entrepreneurship in School
Basic Information
Title of project : 
Sustainable Entrepreneurship in School
Submitting RCE: 
RCE Curitiba-Parana
Contributing organization(s) : 
Margarida Dalagassa Municipal School, Cátedra Ozires Silva, ISAE, UFPR e UTFPR
Focal point(s) and affiliation(s)
Maira Oliveira Ruggi
Organizational Affiliation: 
Cátedra Ozires Silva de Empreendedorismo e Inovação Sustentáveis
Maria Cecília Araújo
Organizational Affiliation: 
Margarida Dalagassa Municipal School
Sandra Mendes
Organizational Affiliation: 
Margarida Dalagassa Municipal School
Josué Alexandre Sander
Organizational Affiliation: 
Format of project: 
Language of project: 
Date of submission:
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Geographical & Education Information
Brazil - Paraná - Curitiba - Tatuquara neighbor
Address of focal point institution for project: 
R. Sargento Francisco da Silva Cotrin, 100
Target Audience:
Socioeconomic and environmental characteristics of the area : 
The school is based in the Tatuquara neighborhood at Curitiba, Paraná. It is a very poor area, some kids don’t have toilets in their home, and for another, the food served at the school is the only thing to eat during the day, for example. In the beginning, it was a region of environmental protection that was occupied by the homeless, had no infrastructure.
Description of sustainable development challenge(s) in the area the project addresses: 
The goal is to disseminate the SDGs, bridging the gap between concept/knowledge and developing skills/attitudes for such and explain the children from 4 to 12 years that they can change the place they live and their lives. Through working with SDGs and entrepreneurship, it is intended to empower these children and teach them that it is possible to change their reality and the community they live in, either by changing their diet to a healthier one, by practicing exercises, by making selective garbage collection, showing the importance of gender equality and that their professions and futures may be different from that of their parents.
In this context, also the teachers learn different ways to teach, using Hybrid Teaching (integrating education with technology), inverted classrooms, and about SDGs and ways to inspire their students to change their reality.
June, 2018 to March, 2020
Brazil is a country of great inequality; many families live in poverty. This project of changing children’s perception and attitude is important because they are the future of the country. The project is being held at the Municipal School Margarida Orso Dallagassa, but the idea is to amplify the network to other schools in poverty areas.
The initiative started in 2018, the coordination of the Municipal School asked for help to develop a project addressing the Sustainable Development Gols, which led to the creation of a project on Sustainable Entrepreneurship in School that covered all students, teachers, and staff of the School in the second half of the year.
During the year each class chooses an SDG to work and at the end of the academic year, there is a fair with the presentation of what the students learned both for the peers as for the parents and community. Children work with the SDG while learning science, math, Portuguese and all the issues contained in the scholar curriculum.
The project aims at transforming the thinking and acting of the children, with the adaptation of other forms of teaching/learning and the greater participation of the children in the classroom. The objective is to shorten the distance between the concept/knowledge and the development of abilities/attitudes, besides the increase of the autonomy and the protagonism.
Development of methodology for teaching the Sustainable Development Goals in basic education.
• generate sustainable development
• SDG as a reference for discussing social, economic and environmental issues in the community
• encourage the search for solutions to local problems
• the child as protagonist
• present to children other developmental references with an emphasis on sustainable development → expand the repertoire
• develop teaching-learning methodologies to abord the SDGs in the school curriculum. The SDGs are not a special subject but is transversal to all the content.
Activities and/or practices employed: 
- Flipped classroom
- Student as the protagonist of his learning;
- Practical classes: newspaper creation, radio programs, vegetable gardens, composting
- Fair for presentation to the community of the contents learned
- regular meetings of alignments with the teachers and school management
- Field classes: Museum of Life, Paraná State Legislature, Manaciais da Serra, Paraná State Federation of Industries FabLab
Size of academic audience: 
More than 450 students attended the initiative per year and 40 teachers from the school. The project has reached the municipal secretariat of education and the prefecture of the municipality.
In 2018 the project was in the pilot phase, in 2019 it will run until the end of the year. In 2019, a questionnaire was developed to direct the redesign of actions and students' understanding of the SDGs, sustainability and to verify if there was any kind of attitude changed by the students and their families. The instrument was applied in the beginning of the year and will be again at the end of the year to identify the gaps. Also, there are the teachers’ perceptions of their work and from the students. They said that some students begin to be more participatory and interested in classes. They became more confident and some of them managed to make vegetable gardens and change some of the family routines.
They also had some impact on the nearby community doing blitz against river pollution, a bike ride (?), Mother's Day with SDG Presentation and seed delivery (SDGs 2, 6 and 15), they developed games for children's day and these games were printed by the school and they received as a gift.
Teacher testimonials:
"We are discussing ideas to change our attitudes towards the environment. Thus building a new philosophy of life "
Flávia Boçon
"Working with the SDG project is something new and challenging ... It takes us as teachers to get much more than we were used to developing in the classroom. This challenge led us to research on the subject so as to become aware of the goals to be achieved, more than that ... It caused us a restlessness, led us to move in a new direction. I realized the size of our reality as educators to lead our students to become protagonists of their own lives "
Sandra Neres
“With the project, I realized that the students developed more autonomy. We have developed a solidarity campaign and the idea came from the children, most of the ideas come from them. It is the second year that I follow this class and it is noticeable that they speak with more ownership of the subject, have more arguments to discuss. The children say that SDG 1 – No poverty is very important because people will not stay much longer in the hospital, for example. At the parent meeting, the parents ask about the SDG and want to know more about it. Others say their children talk about the content discussed in class.
The SDGs enriched my way of teaching, another instrument to help me explain the didactic content. We think it is difficult, but if everyone holds together, doing their part we will see in the future these children shining.”
Bruna Paula Vieira de Brito Kurzydlowski
Lessons learned: 
The main challenge is to keep people (teachers, students, and community) believing in the ideology of the project. Also, create a network between the schools with various sectors of the community to share and learn entrepreneurial and sustainable practices and awakening the consciousness that we can be transformers.
Build a support network for the project, with out-of-school people to help it evolves. Besides, the project development was done jointly, the teachers had the autonomy to decide how they wanted to teach the content about SDGs and entrepreneurship and the students chose the SDG they wanted to study. This generated greater engagement and interest.
Key messages: 
Empowering future generations is gratifying and we realize that they do so much more than we expect. We started with the project, but it takes different and bigger paths. Because of the project and the empowerment of the school teachers, they had the chance to participate in events to share the initiative, they got a robotic project for the students and in a near future the goal is to build a rainwater catchment system.
Relationship to other RCE activities: 
Care About Water in Curitiba, Brazil: Educational and Environmental Practices at School.
He do not have
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
(https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs) and other themes of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
SDG 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages 
SDG 4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 
SDG 5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls 
SDG 12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 
Curriculum Development 
Plants & Animals 
Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development – Priority Action Areas
Priority Action Area 2 - Transforming learning and training environments 
Priority Action Area 3 - Building capacities of educators and trainers 
Priority Action Area 4 - Empowering and mobilizing youth 
Priority Action Area 5 - Accelerating sustainable solutions at local level 