RCE Chandigarh-2015

1. Project Title: 
Promotion of Technology in Steel Re-rolling sector for Energy Efficiency
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
Other (please clarify) : 
Energy Conservation
3. Project partner contact information : 
Punjab Environment Information System Centre, Ministry of Environment, Forests, Climate Change, Goverment of India
Main Contact: 
Dr. Neelima Jerath
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

The team is demonstrating pollution mitigation system for the steel re-rolling mills in Punjab (Mandi Gobindgarh) and nearby regions. it is hoped that industries across the country will be benefitted from Mandi Gobindgarh model involving owners and workforce through formal classroom and onsite capacity building programmes in the years ahead as it offers a Win-Win opportunity to both, the industry and the environment.

7. Provide references and reference materials : 
6. Project status
On Going
Capacity building exercise has been taken up to ensure that the benefits of the technology and energy conservation measures reach to the beneficiaries. In the skill development programmes, 27 formal off-site and on-site training programmes for 172 mills have been conducted. These efforts have not only resulted in decrease in visible smoke in ambient air but the whole industry was benefitted due to reduction in scale loss and fuel consumption. Around 50% of participating mills have achieved reduction in scale loss by about 0.5% (amounting to savings of approx. Rs. 15-20 lacs/annum) besides energy efficiency improvement by 8% to 12% fuel reduction leading to coal savings.
Recognizing the technology,UNDP has also awarded a project for implementing these Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) in 65 units in Mandi Gobindgarh. 40 units have already established
ECMs whereas the remaining 25 units are in the process of implementation. To expedite the implementation of energy efficient technologies in other clusters in the Country, UNDP
generally conducts exposure visits of cluster members to the best performing clusters. Realizing the success of Mandi Gobindgarh cluster, a group of rolling mill owners from Bhavnagar (Gujarat) and Jalna (Maharashtra)visited Mandi Gobindgarh to study the benefits from adoption of better feeding, firing and furnace operating practices as well as implementation of energy conservation measures. It is is hoped that the MandiGobindgarh model will be replicated in Gujarat,India.
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