RCE Central Semenanjung-2016

1. Project Title: 
[Community Empowerment] Improvement of Knowledge and Management Organization Skills, and Development of Youth Human Capital in Taman Medan (2016)
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
Select your options: 
3. Project partner contact information : 
Youth of Taman Medan
Target community in this project
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zuraidah Abdullah
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zuraidah Abdullah
Alternative project contact: 
Muhamad Khairul Anuar Bin Senin
Muhamad Khairul Anuar Bin Senin
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 


Youths are the largest group that contributes to the nation's workforce. The role of youth in the development of society must be addressed by all parties to help them improve their personal skills. Awareness of the youth on their role in the country are still at an unsatisfactory level, as statistics released by the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) that showed up in December 2007 , there were 15.1 million people aged 21 years were eligible voters, but more than 4.6 million have yet to do so . They must be equipped with the skills that will be shaped so that independent youth organizations in their respective areas capable of standing alone.



1. To expose the importance of organizational management skills

2. To provide theoretical and practical training organization management skills

3. To become a platform for youths to interact and share experiences in the management of youth associations

4. To introduced the technique of thinking in solving problems

5. To increase the organization and communication skills.


Knowledge transferred:

This program uses the approach for meetings, courses, training, workshops, tours, demonstrations, and advice as well as ongoing guidance from time to time.


Impact of project:

1) Youth are able to write a better paper work.

2) Youth are able to manage everything related to the project.

3) Youth are able to communicate in the organization efficiently.

4) Youth are able to identify and implement positive, creative, and logical thinking.

7. Provide references and reference materials : 
6. Project status
On Going
The knowledge transfer is still on going between the researcher and the community
8. Tagging