RCE Buea-2015

1. Project Title: 
Lower Wonjoku Community Water Supply Project
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
3. Project partner contact information : 
Rottenburg University of applied forest Sciences
Developer and co-emplimenter
Main Contact: 
Masango Sone
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

Under our Community Development programme and in collaboration with 3 students specialized in Water Resource Management from the University for Applied Forest Sciences in Rottenburg, Germany. The community of Lower Wonjoku shall in the up coming months be endowed with good quality pip born water.

Lower wonjoku village is situated between Soppo, Bulu, Wolikowa, and Soppo Likoko,on the road leading from Malingo junction (Molyko) to Tole Tea in the Buea sub Division .With a rapid growth of population in and around Buea, this village is a potential area for expansion but unfortunately, it has witness a rapid decline in population. One of the main reasons advanced for this is because of the absence of good quality water for drinking. In our quest to promoted Education for Sustainable Development in Cameroon through practical projects on the ground and after consultation with the local community, the project was developed as a means of reviving this community.


The project’s aim is to supply the 700 inhabitants of Lower Wonjoku Community with drinking water and simultaneously provide short transportation routes to the consumers.

To do this, a water source has been identified where a catchment will be built with an inclusive water-filter and tanks for storage. A (later on extendible) system of pipes will transport the drinking water, taking advantage of a natural slope, from the source to a central tapstation by gravity. It will be highly imperative to arrange the project with simple technique installments to minimize fault liability and supply deficits.


With this project a sustainable drinking water supply system is to be assured. Due to a rapid increase of population in Buea and especially in the rural areas and poor infrastructure, a wide effect on social and economic integration of the people is to be created. Also of great importance is the desire to produce quality awareness about the living conditions of the residents in Lower Wonjoku as a step to reducing rural depopulation and encourage migration to this area from the environs.

6. Project status
On Going
The project is currently on-going. Most of the sampling and analyses including ground work with the beneficiary community has been done.
8. Tagging
Africa and Middle East