Last updated: October 23, 2019

RCE Bordeaux Aquitaine

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Rce details
Date of RCE acknowledgement:
December, 2016
Description of RCE and Geographic Region:

RCE Bordeaux Aquitaine is located in the South-Western part of France and has two main partners, the Bordeaux Metropolitan area, the 5th city in France, and the Aquitaine region, the largest administrative region in France and the largest agricultural region in Europe.

Goals and Objectives:

The action of the Bordeaux Aquitaine RCE is determined by two elements: first, progress in ESD resulting from numerous actions developed in the framework of partnerships involving the academic world, communities, socio-economic actors and civil society; second, to implement at the regional level the major international programs and, more particularly, the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the recommendations of the COP 21 with the Framework for Action to Combat Global Warming. The RCE aims, in reference to these approaches, to bring the academic world to grasp the SD issues facing our society, to strengthen cooperation between institutional and non-institutional actors, to contribute to a real dialogue between the different institutional and non-institutional actors of ESD and a public constantly solicited but rarely listened to. Two major actions are being developed: the implementation of the program "Bordeaux, learning city" and the focusing on the adaptation to climate change in cooperation with the academic world and all the actors of the Aquitaine region.

Organisation Hosting RCE Secretariat:

Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute

Key Partners:

Name of organisation: Acclimaterra
Type of organisation: Scientific association of researchers

Name of organisation: ADEME
Type of organisation: French governemental body

Name of organisation: Aquiweb
Type of organisation: Regional private body specialized in digital data

Name of organisation: AUF
Type of organisation: French university agency

Name of organisation: Bordeaux Metropole
Type of organisation: Territorial collectivity

Name of organisation: Cap Sciences
Type of organisation: Scientific and Technical Culture Mediation Center, Bordeaux

Name of organisation: Department of Gironde
Type of organisation: Territorial collectivity

Name of organisation: CESER
Type of organisation: Economic, Social and Environmental Council of Aquitaine

Name of organisation: Comité 21
Type of organisation: French multi-partner association 

Name of organisation: CPIE – Permanent center for the environment initiatives
Type of organisation: French national association with regional centers

Name of organisation: CREAQ
Type of organisation: Regional association on renewable energies

Name of organisation: Darwin Éco-système
Type of organisation: Foundation on alternative ecosystems

Name of organisation: DREAL Nelle Aquitaine
Type of organisation: Regional decentralized State body on environment and energy

Name of organisation: ENSEGID
Type of organisation: University institute on environment and natural resources

Name of organisation: Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute
Type of organisation: University

Name of organisation: Foundation Bordeaux university
Type of organisation: University

Name of organisation: Graine Aquitaine
Type of organisation: Association  for ESD

Name of organisation: Institute for Advanced Studies
Type of organisation: University

Name of organisation: Regional Institute for research and education for environment - Ifrée
Type of organisation: Association

Name of organisation: Botanical Garden of Bordeaux
Type of organisation: Department of Bordeaux Metropolitan

Name of organisation: Pessac city-hall
Type of organisation: Local government

Name of organisation: Bordeaux Museum of Natural History
Type of organisation: National network of French museums

Name of organisation: Institute for education and training - IFEF
Type of organisation: Departement of International Francophone Organisation - OIF

Name of organisation: Network for development and solidarityv - RADSI
Type of organisation: Association

Name of organisation: Region Nouvelle Aquitaine
Type of organisation: Regional government

Name of organisation: Bordeaux Rectorate
Type of organisation: French governemental body for school and university

Name of organisation: Intermunicipal syndicate for the collection of waste
Type of organisation: Syndicat mixte

Name of organisation: Université démocrate
Type of organisation: Regional association

Name of organisation: UVED -Digital University for ESD
Type of organisation: Foundation

Current Activities:
  • Third program on climate mitigation in the Aquitaine region
  • Bordeaux, learning city
Upcoming Activities:
  • Regional meeting on climate mitigation, (La Rochelle, 1st June 2018)
Communication Channels
Facebook page:
Twitter handle:
YouTube page:
Contact Details
Main RCE Contact:
Secondary RCE Contact:
RCE Youth Coordinator(s):
General RCE email:
RCE mailing address for correspondence:

RCE Bordeaux Aquitaine, ENSEGID
1 Allée Daguin, 33607, Pessac cedex, France