14:00 - 15:30

Parallel Sessions I (Case Presentation Session by themes)

Biodiversity Ecosystem Services, Indigenous and local knowledge  Localising the Implementation of Biodiversity Goals through Multistakeholder Learning - RCE Presentations Moderator: Dr Unnikrishnan Payyappallimana (UNU-IAS)

11:30 - 13:00

Plenary II: The Okayama Session on SDGs
Okayama: Towards further multi-stakeholder partnerships between industry and academia for the SDGs
Facilitator: Prof. Hiroshi Kanzaki (Executive Vice President for International Affairs, Okayama University)


Keynote Speech: Prof. Hirofumi Makino (President, Okayama University)


9:50 - 11:20

Plenary I: The Okayama Session on SDGs
Panel Discussion on Further development of ESD toward the achievement of SDGs
Moderator: Prof. Kiichi Oyasu (Okayama ESD Promotion Commission/Okayama University)


9:10 - 9:30

Introductory Session
Progress of the RCE Network towards Achieving SDGs
Speaker: Mr. Naoya Tsukamoto (Project Director, UNU-IAS)

8:40 - 9:10

Opening Remarks

Prof. Hirofumi Abe (Chairperson, Okayama ESD Promotion Commission)
Prof. Hirofumi Makino (President, Okayama University)
Prof. Kazuhiko Takemoto (Director, UNU-IAS)
Mr. Masao Omori (Mayor of Okayama city)
Mr. Masaaki Kobayashi (Senior Adviser, Ministry of the Environment, Japan)
