RCE North East-2013

1. Project Title: 
The Academy for Possible Futures
3. Project partner contact information : 
Sentient Cities
project management and delivery
Main Contact: 
Ben Holden: ben.p.holden@gmail.com
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

The Academy for Possible Futures is a practice based learning environment which will attempt to rejuvenate the local economy through the creation of the kinds of jobs which will help bring us closer to an ecologically sustainable culture.

These jobs will include , micro renewable engineering projects, ecological design and manufacture (beginning with aquaponics greenhouses), film making workshops and public debates, web-development and digital design (creation of ecological design tools), scientific research and arts collaborations, educational workshops and arts interventions.

The workshop will be home to the Sentient Cities project whilst being open to other organisations and individuals, beginning locally but with a view to becoming an international place of learning for an ecologically sustainable future.

6. Project status
On Going
8. Tagging