Clean and Beautiful Swaziland Forum through the Swaziland Environment Authority
a. Administration:
b. Transactional:
c. Transformational:
10. Project results :
-a total number of 55 schools participated in the programme, 36 different awards given to different schools, with 98 different projects ranging from waste management, organic farming, tree planting, and land degradation being implemented.
11. Contribution to reforms and innovations:
issues of Environment in schools have been intergrated more, the Education Sector policy intergrated
12. Unexpected / unplanned results:
following the awards programme for schools, there has been a move to establish a similar programme for towns and cities to encourgage them to come up with sustainability projects for urban areas.
13.Core Partners:
(who are the main partners of your project?) Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Swaziland National Trust Commission, Manzini City Council, Ezulwini Town Council, Matsapha Town Board, Lobamba Conservation Club, Komati Water Authority.
a. Information network:
b. Knowledge network:
c. Innovation network:
15. Type of involvement:
Parteners were involved in Planning the project, developing the concept, information dissemination, training of teachers, school visits for coaching on projects, development of judging criteria, judging of projects to come up with winners in the different categories, fund raising and looking for sponsorships, and staging of the the awards ceremony.
a. Informational participation:
b. Consultation participation:
c. Decision influencing participation :
17. Educational activities:
practical skills on land rehabilitation, conservation agriculture,climate change to complement what students and teachers do in classrooms.
18. Learning activities:
students get opportunities to reflect to on environment impacts of the projects i.e positive and adverse impacts.
a. Theory:
b. Discussion:
c. Interactive and Multidimensional "action oriented education":