Charlotte Hansen (Energitjenesten) is responsible for role playing, the tile game, and art exhibition.
Jesper Steenberg (Miljøtjenesten) is responsible for the course about energy supply at Energi- og vandværkstedet.
Lis Valentin (Kløvermarken) is hosting Naturværkstedet Kløvermarken.
20. Research & Development (R&D):
The young people get acquainted with how to use waste as a resource. At Vestforbrænding's course they gain practical knowledge about how a power station works and insights into why it is important to use the resources we have.
• the young people get acquainted with how future multi-energy supply community can look like. On the Energy and Water workshop course they learn about energy, energy storage and various forms of renewable energy.
• the young people get acquainted with why it is important that decisions on climate and environment are made at the international level. Through Klimakaravanens summit role-playing they get to experience being politicians for a day where they must take decisive joint decisions together in spite of very different interests.
• through the tile game the young people find out what they can do in their homes so they do not spend so much energy and lives more eco-friendly.