RCE Nuremberg-2011

1. General Information
Contact Name(s): 
Cordula Jeschor
Birgit Paulsen
Organizational Affiliation : 
Pedagogical Institute and School Psychology of the City of Nuremberg
Pedagogical Institute and School Psychology of the City of Nuremberg
Role in the project: 
Project Coordinator
Project Associate
Project-relevant information: 
2. Project Information
1. Project title: 
Environmental Station
2. Project Description: 
The Environmental Station is a department within the Institute, which conceptualizes, initiates, and delivers projects for schools in the city of Nuremberg. Its primary aim is to raise environmental consciousness among teachers and pupils within the framework of projects such as Nature in the City, Keep Energy in Mind (KEIM), Farmers’ Garden, and Future Passport (Zukunftskompass).
3. Project Status: 
4. Key Words
Key Words: 
Energy- and Water-saving, Mobility, Garden in the City (small intercultural Garden), Excursions into Nature, Networking
5. Project categories
Project categories: 
Awareness building
Material production
6. Expected outcomes:: 
We strive to raise the level of environmental consciousness in terms of energy and climate consciousness by showing the effects and consequences of daily lifestyle practices. This should lead to an increased awareness of how lifestyles may be altered towards sustainable development and, in so doing, increase competencies of pupils in dealing with the future.
7. Duration of the Project:: 
Ongoing, since it is a permanent institutionalized center of competence.
3. Project Leadership & Vision
8. Project coordination (e.g. teams): 
Project coordination is shared between SPI und the Dept. of Environment/Environmental Office of the City of Nuremberg.
9. Leadership structure
a. Administration: 
c. Transformational: 
4. Project results
10. Project results : 
1)Nature in the City – An increase in environmental awareness among the pupils involved to date has been achieved, as well as new knowledge over the biodiversity present in their own school surroundings, which they had not previously been aware of. Since the results of the nature excursions are to be presented to political representatives from their respective areas in the Fall of 2011, the pupils will have their first experience of political empowerment.
2)Keep Energy in Mind (KEIM) – Participating schools have been supported in their efforts to conserve energy and water, particularly through a financial incentives model.
3)Nuremberg Transport Public Corporation (VAG Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft) – The marketing measures regarding public transport within the region, which were commissioned by the VAG, have been implemented.
4)Farmers’ Garden (Bauerngarten) or Garden in the City – The garden, patterned after old farmers‘ gardens, used to grow vegetables and not just ornamental plants, have been laid-out and are tended to by neighboring residents coming from different ethnic backgrounds.
5)Future Passport (Zukunftskompass) – The website has been planned, constructed and set online so as to allow for networking between teachers and their pupils, offering relevant information on a “one-stop-shop” basis.
11. Contribution to reforms and innovations: 
Our hope is that the participants, through our projects, recognize the effect of their own behavior on the environment. In this way, we contribute to change on a micro-level, precisely at the level where sustainability will count the most.
13.Core Partners: 
We receive financing for our projects through the Bavarian Ministry of Environment. The Nuremberg schools are in the KEIM network, in which the exchange of information over energy and water-saving takes place. It is the place in which new project ideas are conceived and where schools can network with other schools in the city.
5. Partnership and networking
14. Project Network
a. Information network: 
b. Knowledge network: 
c. Innovation network: 
6. Participation
15. Type of involvement: 
School teachers are given the opportunity to decide on which themes they want to work on from year to year within the framework of the KEIM project.
16. Participation opportunities
a. Informational participation: 
b. Consultation participation: 
c. Decision influencing participation : 
7. Education & Learning
17. Educational activities: 
There are varying activities within all the ongoing projects of the Environmental Station:
1)KEIM functions through working groups to designated themes, holds seminars, and provides technical and didactical support in project development.
2)Nature in the City organizes pupils in various schools to research on their immediate natural school environment, aids them in producing maps of their city district, and will aid them in organizing a summit meeting with the City Department of Environment.
3)At the VAG, educational brochures, information materials, as well as educational learning modules have been designed, printed, and distributed to transport clients.
18. Learning activities: 
Questionnaires are used in all the projects, where participants are requested to evaluate the quality of the programs developed and from which suggestions are taken to improve future offerings.
19. Educational activities
a. Theory: 
b. Discussion: 
c. Interactive and Multidimensional "action oriented education": 
8. Research Integration
20. Research & Development (R&D): 
21. Research partners: 
Project Reports
Teacher Education
Teacher Education and Better Schools