RCE Srinagar Participates in 2020 TeLL-Net Forum
The 2020 TeLL-Net Forum (Telling Live Lessons from Disasters) was held in Kobe, Japan from 24-26 January, 2020. TeLL-Net was created in 2006 to preserve and pass on lived experiences and lessons from disasters to other areas and generations to contribute to the creation of disaster-resilient societies.
Abdhesh Kumar Gangwar from RCE Srinagar, one of 33 participants in the poster session, described the event as a unique experience that provided another dimension to disaster risk reduction, where participants learned about how disaster museums, oral story-telling, photographs, audio-visual materials, remaining items, music, arts, paintings and monuments play an important role in passing on disaster experiences and helping societies to learn from disasters, to become disaster-resilient.
Abstracts of the poster sessions can be viewed here.
(Photo credit: RCE Srinagar)