The working group is being coordinated by the secretariat of the Austrian UNGC network as well as the RCE Graz-Styria office. There are about 20 members of the working group contributing with their ideas and experiences.
a. Administration:
b. Transactional:
c. Transformational:
10. Project results :
What are the current results of the project in terms of Outcomes:
There are three main workshops and a final event during the year 2011. The three workshops are alocated to the topics of:
1. ESD
2. System understanding for ESD
3. Global & Local interplay
The final event will invite all Austrian UNGC members and be a broad event presenting the outcomes of workshops.
11. Contribution to reforms and innovations:
The working group should motivate and enable participants to have implement business internal ESD practices to raise awareness for SD among staff.
12. Unexpected / unplanned results:
Not so far
13.Core Partners:
UNGC Austria, RCE Graz-Styria, OMV, Austrian Control Bank, Austrian Development Agency, Siemens, Svarowsky, Verbund, PwC, Bawag, plenum, respact, Spes
a. Information network:
b. Knowledge network:
c. Innovation network:
15. Type of involvement:
In the first worshop, participants brought in their interest on what they like to discuss during the year. Every workshop one of the partner institutions is presenting their initiatives to the audience.
a. Informational participation:
b. Consultation participation:
c. Decision influencing participation :
17. Educational activities:
The working group is intended to build capacity for educational activities
18. Learning activities:
Participants of the workshop learn from each other and have the opportunity to reflect their experiences.
a. Theory:
b. Discussion:
c. Interactive and Multidimensional "action oriented education":