Presentations and discussions are organised by the workshop leader
- Groups organise themselves
a. Administration:
b. Transactional:
c. Transformational:
13.Core Partners:
University of Graz, Participants, UN Global Compact Network Austria
a. Information network:
b. Knowledge network:
c. Innovation network:
15. Type of involvement:
The workshop is organised and strctured by the RCE Graz-Styria. The actors are activly involved in the design of the workshop content and in the way participants work together.
a. Informational participation:
b. Consultation participation:
c. Decision influencing participation :
17. Educational activities:
The participants learn in different methods (interactive, presentations, discussions, team-working) about:
- introduction to sustainable development (history, systematics, current developments)
- introduction to change management in business and regions
- methods for analysation of systems, netwoks and actors
- systemic analysation of development processes
- Graz model for integrative development processes for susainability
- local examples of development processes in regions, businesses, regional development and educational institutions
18. Learning activities:
- Awareness towards sustainable development processes in regions and businesses
- capability of systemic analyses of development processes
a. Theory:
b. Discussion:
c. Interactive and Multidimensional "action oriented education":
20. Research & Development (R&D):
The participants work on regional examples of sustainable development processes and analyse these. This contributes to a further scientific research on regional sustainable development processes.
21. Research partners:
The workshop is held at the University of Graz. Other research partners will be known when the specific development processes which are analysed are defined.