The students coordinated all activities though they were supported by the the lecturers of the course.
a. Administration:
b. Transactional:
c. Transformational:
10. Project results :
The knowledge transfer form University of Graz to a small styrian town aims to have impact on inhabitants of all age. It aims to build up awarness for sustainable development and a change in lifestyle towards a more sustainable way of living.
The cooperation with the local youth centre enabled a direct contact to a main target group and made them to multiplicators by involving them in the development process.
11. Contribution to reforms and innovations:
Since the project contributes to a higher level of awarness towards sustainability among the local population, understanding and support for changes in the local agenda are more likely.
13.Core Partners:
University of Graz; Youth Centre "FUN HOUSE"; City of Trofaiach; Department for Youth, Women, Family and Generations of the Province of Styria; Federal Ministery for Economy and Work
a. Information network:
b. Knowledge network:
c. Innovation network:
15. Type of involvement:
At the youth centre workshops were held, surveys conducted, excursions offerd, a film presented and lots of discussions took place.
a. Informational participation:
b. Consultation participation:
c. Decision influencing participation :
17. Educational activities:
The main educational element of the projekt is the sustainability trail itself. Its supposed to rise the awarness among the population of the city of Trofaiach towards sustainable development.
In the development of the trail the cooperation with the youth centre included also educational elements. The group learned intensively on issues of sustainable development.
18. Learning activities:
Its supposed to rise the awarness among the population of the city of Trofaiach towards sustainable development.
a. Theory:
b. Discussion:
c. Interactive and Multidimensional "action oriented education":