Parallel Sessions I(Sustainable consumption and production)

Parallel Sessions I (Case Presentation Session by themes)

Learning for Change: towards Sustainable Food Systems – RCE Sharing of the Practices (Panel)
Moderator: Dr. Zinaida Fadeeva (Advisor on Sustainable Consumption and Production to the First RCE Thematic Conference)

Mini-panel I: “Linking Education and Action”
Panellists: Ms. Holguin Aguirre (RCE Bogota), Mr. Hernandez-Ramirez (RCE Borderlands México USA), and Prof. Ghazali (RCE Penang)

Mini-Panel II: “Developing Educational Materials and Practices for SCP”
Panellists: Dr. Iwami (RCE Hyogo-Kobe), Dr. Dlouha (RCE Czechia), and Dr. Koerber (RCE Munich)


Project Summary Sheet RCE Bogota here

Project Summary Sheet RCE Borderlands México USA here

Case Study RCE Borderlands México USA here

Project Summary Sheet RCE Penang here

Case Study RCE Penang here

Project Summary Sheet RCE Hyogo-Kobe here

Case Study RCE Hyogo-Kobe here

Project Summary Sheet RCE Czechia here

Case Study RCE Czechia here

Case Study RCE Munich here (refer to pages 122-135)