16:00 - 17:30

Plenary IV: Closing Plenary
Moderator: Dr Philip Vaughter (UNU-IAS)


Reporting and Reflection from breakout sessions
Dr. Unnikrishnan Payyappallimana (UNU-IAS)
Dr.  Riyanti Djalante (UNU-IAS)
Dr. Zinaida Fadeeva (Advisor on Sustainable Consumption and Production to the First RCE Thematic Conference)
Reflection from Participants


Recap of the Conference
Speaker: Prof. Mario Tabucanon (UNU-IAS)


Closing Remarks
Dr. Hiroki Fujii (Vice-Chair, Steering Board of Okayama ESD Promotion Commission)
Prof. Hiroshi Kanzaki (Deputy President, Okayama University)
Mr. Naoya Tsukamoto (Project Director, UNU-IAS)

Programme and minutes date: 
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Minutes Plenary IV here

Minutes Closing Remarks here

Presentation Reporting and Reflection from Climate Change sessions here