14:00 - 15:30

Workshop Sessions II
Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Indigenous and Local Knowledge 
Moderator: Dr Unnikrishnan Payyappallimana (UNU-IAS)

Introduction to Stronger Science-Policy interface in RCEs - Facilitator(s): Mr Naoya Tsukamoto (UNU-IAS) or/and Dr Unnikrishnan Payyappallimana (UNU-IAS) IPBES and Policy Support Tools and Methodologies (Skype Session)

Policy Support Tools and Methodologies - Facilitator: Dr Claire Brown (UNEP-WCMC)

Linkages with Policy Process in ASEAN Region - Facilitator: Dr Clarissa C. Arida (ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Climate Change 
Moderator: Dr. Philip Vaughter (UNU-IAS)

Introduction to Workforce Training on Climate Change - Facilitator: Ms.Cristina Rekakavas Training Associate, Green Development and Climate Change, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

Gap Between Knowledge and Impact in Climate Action - Facilitator: Dr Isabel Franco (JSPS Fellow, UNU-IAS)

Workshop on Mapping Knowledge-Action Gaps in Climate Curriculum - Co-facilitators: Dr Philip Vaughter (UNU-IAS), Dr Riyanti Djalante (UNU-IAS), Ms.Cristina Rekakavas (UNITAR)

Sustainable Consumption and Production Towards Sustainable Food Systems – Methodologies for Capacity Development and Engagement 
Moderator: Zinaida Fadeeva (Advisor on Sustainable Consumption and Production to the First RCE Thematic Conference)

Engagement with international processes and localisation of SCP and SDGs - Co-facilitators: Prof. Mario Tabucanon (UNU-IAS), Dr. Sara Castro (UNOSD)*, Dr. Arab Hoballah (SWITVH-Asia SCP Facility)*
* via Skype

Programme and minutes date: 
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Biodiversity presentations:

Presentation Policy Support Tools and Methodologies here


Climate Change presentations:

Presentation Introduction to Workforce Training on Climate Change​ here

Presentation Gap Between Knowledge and Impact in Climate Action here