RCE Skane-2016

1. Project Title: 
Pedagogical cultivation and cross disciplinary education - An applied research project on young learners attitude to education and teachers transforming their teaching practice.
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
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3. Project partner contact information : 
Lund Nature School
Initiator of a school project and an applied research project
Main Contact: 
Anders Kjellsson, anders.kjellsson@lund.se
Kerstin Sonesson
Malmö University
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

This research project is focusing on a school project on school ground cultivation, A team of teachers at a secondary school, started a project on "Health and learning by cultivation" in august 2012. Learners in grade 6-9 hve been involved in the project, combining outdoor and classroom learning activities.

6. Project status
Pedagogical cultivation on the school ground, challenge based learning and window farming might be a useful method on developing young learners understanding in various school subjects, as well as in environmental issues and sustainable development. Lund Nature School was funding the school project during three years and invited two researchers in education science to follow the project. Results from the project was presented at the conference "Bridging the gap" in Visby Sweden 21-24 Aug 2016, http://swedesd.uu.se/bridging-the-gap-internationell/
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