RCE North East-2015

1. Project Title: 
Cinema Politica Newcastle
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
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3. Project partner contact information : 
Politica Newcastle
Regional organisation
Main Contact: 
Svetla Turnin (Global Director) svetla@cinemapolitica.org
4. Project type
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5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

Cinema Politica Newcastle's activities continue to bring documentary and debate to Newcastle upon Tyne. Since January 2011, around 70 films have been screened and a number of speakers have come to stimulate debate with the audience after the documentaries. Speakers have ranged from academics to activists, and has included a skype discussion with a Greenpeace activist, which was a first for CPN. Audience numbers continue to average at about 30-40 per screening, which makes for a lively dynamic in discussions. Documentaries this year have included topics such as; the impact of austerity measures in Europe, intersex and gender, urban food production and the politics of veganism, and feminism.

Finances are stable, with the main expenditure relating to payment of the screening license fees to Cinema Politica. However, due to the loss of the venue ‘Culture Lab’ (due to University development), CPN is allocating increasing funds to renting venues. That said, there has been cooperation with the Institute for Sustainability who have helped with speakers and publicity. CPN have also collaborated with a number of partners including NewBridge Project, Gender Research Group (GRG) and Revolutionary Communist Group (RCG), contributing to a growing network of partners in the North East.

Screenings are always free and open to the public, although we encourage donations of £1 from the audience. CPN remains committed to operating as a partner of NECTER, in jointly support the aims of delivering high quality and accessible opportunities for learning and disseminating information on sustainable development to the public.

The region benefits from this designated space for awareness-raising and discussion, at a time when funding for community activities and creative opportunities is decreasing. Furthermore, Cinema Politica Newcastle, by hosting events for free, aims to make its events accessible to all, and therefore gathers a diverse audience. Cinema Politica Newcastle is committed to hosting events in accessible buildings.

6. Project status
On Going
8. Tagging
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