
RCE Crete - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Earth Charter Hellas Poster Workshop.jpg (46.5 KB) Earth Charter Hellas Poster Workshop N. Kostoula
Image icon Earth Charter Hellas Teacher Workshop.jpg (68.23 KB) Earth Charter Hellas Teacher Workshop N. Kostoula
Date of submission:
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
A rubric for assessing the integration of the Earth Charter into the CCSAFS program
Target Audience:

RCE Western Jalisco - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon photo1.jpg (2.38 MB) Organic production in friendship garden S. García
Image icon photo2.jpg (1.87 MB) Women committing to the SDGs L. Vargas
Image icon photo3.jpg (2.35 MB) Elementary schoolchildren on the path of the seeds of life S. García
Date of submission:
Creation of spaces for applied sustainability

RCE Lima-Callao - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Project_RCELimaCallao_FieldWork_1_2018.JPG (3.56 MB) Meeting with Warmikuna Tarpudoras (Sowers Women), Tarapoto, San Martin Region. Universidad Ricardo Palma
Image icon Project_RCELimaCallao_FieldWork_2_2018.JPG (3.94 MB) Mikuna preparation, Tarapoto, San Martin Region. Universidad Ricardo Palma
Image icon Project_RCELimaCallao_FieldWork_3_2018.JPG (162.23 KB) Meeting with Public organizations and professional boards linked to nutrition, Lima. Universidad Ricardo Palma
Date of submission:
Traditional Knowledge on Biocultural Diversity and Nutrition in Indigenous Communities
Target Audience:

RCE Greater Atlanta - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon sara.jpg (2.24 MB) An Emory student, practicing pipetting for biologic sample collection V. Mac
Image icon radio.jpg (1.92 MB) Videographer from La Isla Network capturing a promotor recording a community radio study participant recruitment announcement on Radio Poder, a community radio station in Homestead, Florida V. Mac
Image icon training.jpg (1.67 MB) A PISCA Heat illness prevention training in Immokalee, FL generated from the findings of The Girasoles Study V. Mac
Date of submission:
Friday, July 13, 2018
The Girasoles Project
Target Audience:
