
RCE Greater Shangri-la - 2019


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Photo1.jpg (1.36 MB) Photo 1 - Students are painting in Shangri-La Yunhua Liu
Image icon Photo2.jpg (2.15 MB) Photo 2 - Water Protection Activity in Tacheng, Shangri-La Wande Gongba
Image icon Photo3.JPG (1.42 MB) Photo 3 - Students are planting potatoes at the eco-farm in Shangri-La Wande Gongba
Date of submission:
Waterschool China Programme
Target Audience:

RCE Srinagar - 2019


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Photo 1. People moving towards Prayagraj Kumbh 2019.JPG (2.56 MB) People moving towards Prayagraj Kumbh 2019 Abdhesh Kumar Gangwar
Image icon Photo 2. Saints on chariots for taking royal bath Prayagraj Kumbh 2019. Photo AKG.JPG (4.07 MB) Saints on chariots for taking royal bath in Prayagraj Kumbh 2019 Abdhesh Kumar Gangwar
Image icon Photo 3. A head saint flanked by his devotees going for royal bath Prayagraj Kumbh 2019.Photo AKG.JPG (3.58 MB) A head saint flanked by his devotees going for royal bath Prayagraj Kumbh 2019 Abdhesh Kumar Gangwar
Image icon Photo 4. Holy dip in Prayagraj Kumbh 2019. Photo AKG.JPG (3.4 MB) Holy dip in Prayagraj Kumbh 2019 Abdhesh Kumar Gangwar
Image icon Photo 5. Ganga worship (Aarti) Photo-AKG.JPG (1.99 MB) Ganga worship (Aarti) Abdhesh Kumar Gangwar
Image icon Photo 6. Creating awareness on SDGs. Photo AKG.JPG (3.89 MB) Creating awareness on SDGs Abdhesh Kumar Gangwar
Date of submission:
Monday, March 18, 2019
ESD at religious and spiritual congregations for promoting action towards Sustainable Development Goals, Aichi Biodiversity Targets and Paris Climate Agreement

RCE Ilocos - 2019




File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon RE_1_RCE Ilocos.jpg (100.91 KB) Capacity building of faculty and staff on renewable energy with trainers from Ashikaga University. Dr. C.M. Pascual
Capacity building of faculty and staff on renewable energy with trainers from Ashikaga University. Dr. C.M. Pascual
Date of submission:
Renewable Energy Park Model for Education, Research and Extension Towards Agro-Industrialization and Inclusive Development
Target Audience:

RCE KwaZulu Natal - 2018


South Africa


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon e-STEAM.jpg (402.2 KB) Learners constructing a model of they are greening their school yard K Venter
Date of submission:
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
e-STEAM, a new focus for WESSA uMngeni Valley Education Centre

RCE Chandigarh - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Capacity building Prog.png (674.94 KB) Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, Chandigarh
Image icon Climate Change Express.png (497.19 KB) Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, Chandigarh
Date of submission:
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Climate Change: Actions at local level

RCE Saskatchewan - 2018


Province of Saskatchewan: Quill Lakes Basin, Qu'Appelle River System
3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina S4S 0A2


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon IMG_0061.jpg (1.14 MB) learning how to create a communication bridge - SAWS participated in the Treaty Four Pow Wow Parade Doug Farenick
Image icon Quill Lakes photo of Mid Summer Festival.JPG (751.79 KB) learning how to build a communication bridge and connect with the community at the Mid Summer Arts Festival A.MacPherson
Image icon IMG_4573.JPG (1.44 MB) learning to do a Round Dance for the Water A.MacPherson
Image icon DSCN0079 (2).JPG (2.07 MB) learning why illegal removal of wetlands are still happening fall 2018 in the Quill Lakes basin A. MacPherson
Image icon Quill Lakes Photo Regina Beach July 2018.jpg (1.2 MB) learning what Regina Beach citizens know about the Quill Lakes Flooding issue. Sherry Forsyth
Date of submission:
RCE Saskatchewan Empowering For Conservation:Water Drainage and Wetland Protection on the Canadian Prairies
Target Audience:
Goverment Policy makers
