RCE Skane-2013

1. Project Title: 
Öresundsklassrummet - young people’s participation in the sustainable society of the future
3. Project partner contact information : 
City of Malmö
Project Leader
Main Contact: 
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

Support the integration in the Öresund Region by building an integrated cooperation between Sweden and Denmark regarding ESD. The project aim to focus on the participation of young people in the democratic processes for a more sustainable development of the society. Young learners in secondary schools and their teachers (in the Cities of Copenhagen, Lund and Malmö) as well as researcher at Lund University and Malmö University are involved in the project.

Expected outcomes: To reach a deeper knowledge regarding thoughts and dreams about sustainability and climate change. To gain experiences among the schools involved regarding health, environment and sustainable cities. To establish a long-term co-operation among the partners involved in the project.

6. Project status
• Completed 2013-03-31
Reference: http://oresundsklassrummet.wordpress.com/in-english/
8. Tagging