The cooreration and communicaton between the partners is organiced by two annual meetings, the qarterly Newsletter and the webpage. It is served by one 1 full-time employee.
The cooreration and communicaton inbetween the steering committee is organiced via 10 Meetings and one convention of steering committee per year,
monthly meetings of the three directors,
RCE staff: 1 full-time employee, 1 project coordinator, several interns and volunteers
If yes, give examples:
German UNESCO Commission
If yes, give examples:
German RCEs, European RCEs
If yes, give examples:
Charles Hopkins, Dennis Meadows
If yes, give examples:
a. Information network (exchanging information, e.g. building up a database for SD projects):
b. Knowledge network (creating knowledge by collaboration, e.g. finding synergies between partners by experience exchange):
c. Innovation network (creating innovation by co-creation and shared vision,e.g. investigating new solutions for challenges by f:
7. Participation of actors :
There are several options depending on the projects. Money-contribution, Voluntary work, attending in project meetings etc.
Every two years, the members of steering committee are voted by the members of the RCE.
a.Informational participation (people get informed about decisions and actions):
b.Consultation participation (people are asked about their needs and opinions):
c.Decision influencing participation (people are involved in decision making processes):
9. Educational activities :
All our projects have to contribute the vision of a culture of sustainability in Munich. The educational activities in the projects are open to the public and in the most part free.
10. Competences and capabilities :
The Project "GenE - shaping competence for SD" trains multiplicators in following competences:
System thinking
Inter- and transdisciplinary approach; holistic search ans communication; understanding ecological resilience; system dynamics modeling; measuring and modeling sustainability; interpreting social systems as information processing systems; live with uncertainties
Subject and Methodological Competence
Gather knowledge with an openness to the world and integrating new perspectives; Acquire knowledge and act in an interdisciplinary manner
Social Competence - Interacting in socially heterogenous groups
Ability to plan and act together with others; Ability to participate in decision-making processes; Ability to motivate others to get active
Personal Competence - Acting autonomously
Ability to reflect upon one’s own principles and those of others; Ability to plan and act autonomously; Ability to show empathy and solidarity with the disadvantaged; Ability to motivate oneself to get active
If yes, give examples:
Teacher training of the Pedagogical Institute
If yes, give examples:
GenE - shaping competence for SD (multiplicator-training)
GenE - shaping competence for SD (multiplicator-training)
a. Theory (communicating of ESD principles, strategies, examples):
b. Discussion (knowledge exchange and mutual learning on ESD):
c. Interactive & Multidimensional (Action oriented learning, e.g. workshops, intergenerational, interdisciplinary,…) :
13. Research & Development (R&D):
The Research plays a minor role in the work of the RCE Munich. Aspects of Research are integrated in the Projects: GenE - shaping competence for SD, "Lecture Leitbild Nachhaltigkeit" and "Sustainable Econonic".
The yearly convention of steering committee can be seen as a R & D workshop for multy-stakeholder ESD network.
b. Interdisciplinary (taking interrelations between disciplines into account, e.g. economic effects on the environment and peopl:
c. Transdisciplinary (involving affected people into your research activities, e.g. interviews with affected people):