Dr. K. Shalyefu (UNAM), Dr. E. Julies (UNAM), Dr. A. Kanyimba (UNAM)
a. Administration:
b. Transactional:
c. Transformational:
10. Project results :
A draft curriculum was developed after a stakeholder meeting was held. The curriculum was presented to the Academic Planning Committee at UNAM, but was referred back to the Faculty to improve the structure. The curriculum will be submitted next year for approval by APC and senate. If it is approved it will be implemented from the start of 2014.
11. Contribution to reforms and innovations:
Within UNAM a new degree programme will exist and nationally this will be the first post- degree programme that specializes in ESD.
12. Unexpected / unplanned results:
It is a long process to get the programme through all the administration structures at the University.
13.Core Partners:
UNAM; UNESCO (assisted financially)
a. Information network:
b. Knowledge network:
c. Innovation network:
15. Type of involvement:
Stakeholders were involved in the development of the curriculum.
a. Informational participation:
b. Consultation participation:
c. Decision influencing participation :
17. Educational activities:
Creation and implementation of a formal education programme at tertiary level.
18. Learning activities:
The RCE stakeholders were actively involved in developing the various modules and their content for the curriculum. Several RCE members will also teach on this programme.
a. Theory:
b. Discussion:
c. Interactive and Multidimensional "action oriented education":