RCE Chubu-2010

1. General Information
Contact Name(s): 
Tsuneo Takeuchi
Reita Furusawa
Organizational Affiliation : 
Nagoya University
Chubu University
Role in the project: 
Director of Steering Comittee
2. Project Information
1. Project title: 
RCE Chubu Biodiversity Project
2. Project Description: 
Develop an internet debate using the Network of RCEs around the world, asking each RCE to introduce participants they know who can participate in an open discussion on major themes about bio-diversity and the CBD. The network discussion will provide recommendations and case reports of good practices backing the recommendations. The whole Bio-Diversity Cyber Dialogue will help preparing the NGO debate preceeding the COP10 in October 2010.
3. Project Status: 
4. Key Words
CBD, COP10, Indigenous Communities, Local Communioties, Life in River Basin, Satoyama
5. Project categories
Project categories: 
Awareness building
Influencing policy processes
6. Expected outcomes:: 
Providing recommendations for the NGOs to discuss and build their post 2010 strategy, based on local experiences and good practices from different regions of the world.
7. Duration of the Project:: 
A report to be distributed among the NGO participants to the pre COP10 deliberations on their recommendations to the COP10 about the Post-2010 targets. An attachment to this Report will contain case reports including good practices on the different themes included in the Report.
3. Project Leadership & Vision
8. Project coordination (e.g. teams): 
A Project Management Committee in Nagoya will be organized by the cooperation between the Chubu Esd-Rce and the Japan CBD Citizens Network.
9. Leadership structure
a. Administration: 
b. Transactional: 
c. Transformational: 
4. Project results
10. Project results : 
What are the current results of the project in terms of Outcomes:
Develop an awareness among activists, researchers, and public and private practitioners about the different interconnections between ecological, political, economic and socio-cultural transformations necessitated in stopping the rapid loss of bio-diversity.
11. Contribution to reforms and innovations: 
The world-wide dialogue is indispensable to develop a common awareness and a coordinated action among the different agents engaged in stopping the rapid loss of bio-diversity in the various local conditions around the world, especially in the South and in the North.
12. Unexpected / unplanned results: 
Un-planned results are yet to appear since we have had some delay in starting the Bio-Diversity Cyber Dialogue. Yet, the various objections which existed among the Japanese NGOs about engaging into a world-wide dialogue has led already to an unexpected learning experience about the need of a better organized work among the diverse agents preparing COP10 in Japan.
13.Core Partners: 
The bio-diversity concerned members of the ESD-RCE Network
5. Partnership and networking
14. Project Network
a. Information network: 
b. Knowledge network: 
c. Innovation network: 
6. Participation
15. Type of involvement: 
The invited members of the Bio Diversity Cyber Dialogue, are themselves members of different mailing lists and some of them agree to develop side-dialogues in their own mailing list and then introduce the results of these side discussion in the main Site of the Bio Diversity Cyber Dialogue.
16. Participation opportunities
a. Informational participation: 
b. Consultation participation: 
c. Decision influencing participation : 
7. Education & Learning
17. Educational activities: 
The BioDiversity Cyber Dialogue is meant to be a forum where mutual learning develops a new epistemological community fighting against the rapid loss of bio-diversity.
18. Learning activities: 
A multi disciplinary and holistic understanding of the interactions among diverse causes of bio-diversity losses.
19. Educational activities
a. Theory: 
b. Discussion: 
c. Interactive and Multidimensional "action oriented education": 
8. Research Integration
20. Research & Development (R&D): 
The Bio-Diversity Cyber Dialogue develops a critical awareness of the variety of risks involved in R&D activities.
21. Research partners: 
NGO activists, public and private agency members, university researchers.
22. Description of research
a. Disciplinary: 
b. Interdisciplinary: 
c. Transdisciplinary: 
Project Reports
Traditional Knowledge and Bio-Diversity
Pollicy Engagement
One More Issue: 