RCE Greater Sudbury
RCE Greater Sudbury has a population of approximately 160,000 and encompasses more than 3,600 square kilometres of land and water, making it one of the largest municipalities in Canada. The RCE enhances and forms partnerships to create synergies in the implementation of education for sustainable development (ESD). Such ESD initiatives will advance economic, environmental and social factors to improve human health and community sustainability.
Organisations involved with RCE Greater Sudbury include a wide range of representatives from both the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.
The RCE Greater Sudbury is guided by the City of Greater Sudbury’s Corporate Strategic Plan with a focus on the Quality of Life and Place priority. This priority continues to align with the Healthy Community Strategy and United Nations University’s Regional Centre of Expertise designation received by the City of Greater Sudbury in 2007.
Stemming from that Healthy Community Strategy, a Population Health Call to Action has evolved to focus on individual well being. Population Health refers to upstream approaches where efforts are proactive through public policy and prevention. The ten Population Health priorities are: Indigenous Youth, Resiliency, Families, Mental Health, Compassionate City, Play Opportunities, Housing, Holistic Health, Age Friendly Strategy, and Healthy Streets.
Broad sector partnerships and focused outcomes will guide the Population Health strategy over the next few years.
City of Greater Sudbury
Name of organisation: City of Greater Sudbury – Community Development Department
Role: Lead role in moving RCE Greater Sudbury forward in the community
Contact name: Catherine Matheson
Population Health – Consultations were held with community partners to establish priorities for population health. Three community forums hosted by the City of Greater Sudbury were held where ten community priorities were identified. The identification of community priorities will have a positive impact on the community as multiple partners are willing to take action to improve overall individual health outcomes for citizens of the City of Greater Sudbury.
United Nations University Global Research Initiative on Reorienting Education and Training Systems to Improve the Lives of Indigenous and Marginalised Youth – The City of Greater Sudbury through its Regional Centre of Expertise designation embarked on a global research initiative with the UNESCO Chair, School Boards and Laurentian University. This initiative will have a positive impact on the social determinants of health in the area of human health and well-being as it will support initiatives and policies that have an impact on the health and well-being of Indigenous and marginalised youth within the City of Greater Sudbury and on a global scale.
Local Poverty Reduction – This project focuses on breaking the cycle of poverty for children and youth. It will evaluate the impact of school-based and community-based extracurricular activities on academic achievement and school success for up to 100 children in Grade 4 (2017/18) identified as being in need and living within deprived neighbourhoods. This project will have a positive impact on the Social Determinants of Health in the area of Health/Well-being as it supports Ontario's poverty reduction strategies (2018, 2014-19) which identifies the importance of breaking the cycle of poverty with continued and strategic investments in the lives of children and youth in order to foster stronger, healthier kids and families.
Affordable Access to Recreation – This activity provides a number of strategies to affordable access to recreation for Greater Sudbury residents in the areas of fee assistance, universal programming and access to community spaces. The recommended strategies for affordable access to recreation ensure that all residents have the opportunities to enjoy programs and services designed to improve the health and well-being of youth, families and seniors.
Playground Revitalisation – Maintaining and enhancing playgrounds and parkland provides public spaces and facilities for everyone to enjoy. Playgrounds contribute to the health and well being of residents by providing opportunities for active and passive recreation and act as community gathering places. The playground revitalisation strategy will enhance play spaces with priority considerations for neighbourhoods based on socioeconomic factors.
Age Friendly/Compassionate City Designations – An Age-Friendly Community Action Plan will positively impact the quality of life and place for all residents. Through the collaboration of the City, community partners and older adults, the Age-Friendly Community Action Plan will move from a vision to a reality.
- 2007 RCE Designation
- 2014 Partnership Award Greater Sudbury Police Services
- 2017 Partnership Award Greater Sudbury Police Service
- Category 1- Age-Friendly Community Recognition Award
- Grant application for $250,000 in funding from Indigenous and Northern Affairs Department of the Government of Canada (INAC) to support the global research initiative for indigenous youth.
Overarching Community Achievements – 2015-2018
- Recreation - Feel Free to Feel Fit Swimming Program, Healthy Community Maps, Arena Renewal Strategy, Turf Development, Barrier Free Recreation
- Vulnerable Population - Out of the Cold Emergency Shelter, Investment in Affordable Housing, Homelessness Programs and Initiatives, Needle Recovery Program, Food Banks, Harm Reduction Program and Managed Alcohol Program, Partnership for Affordable Housing
- Seniors - Dementia Design Concept & LEED Recognition, Seniors Campus, Specialised Geriatrics Program
- Community Well Being - Entertainment Sector, Community Farms, Community Health Safety and Well Being Concept, Healthy Kids Community Challenge, Planning of Community Hubs, Transit Action Plan
- Policy and Framework - Health Impact Assessment Tool